Marketing Tips from a Non-Marketer

Today I have another guest post from Marcie Hill of The Write Design Company.  She shares what she’s learned about Marketing after 10 years of being an entrepreneur.  As someone who helps small businesses with their marketing efforts regularly, I love when the “marketing is important to my business” light bulb goes off for people.  🙂  If you need help crafting your plans, contact me.  I’m happy to help!  Now back to Marcie’s tips…


I am not a marketing specialist nor do I have a marketing background.  I can say that I have learned a bit about marketing since I first ventured into entrepreneurship 10 years ago.  Even though I have owned a business for a while, I didn’t truly understand the value of marketing until I wrote a business plan for the MillerCoors Business Plan Competition last year.  Allow me to share my lessons learned about marketing.

1. Market research is essential.  As a business owner, you need to know your target market.  If people are your targets, have an idea of their ages, habits and income.  Know what they buy and how they buy.  If you are targeting businesses, check out their size, annual revenue and the likelihood of them needing your product or service. This information is important because you will know which messages to use for your targeted group.

2. An online presence is needed.  Websites, blogs and social media can help to establish an online presence.  Be sure to have a consistent look, tone and feel.

3. Your marketing plan is one of the most important elements of a business plan.  You will outline who you are going to sell to, if they are interested in your product or service, or if they can even afford your service.

4. You have to use traditional and social media marketing.  Social media is a new phenomenon and most of the tools are free.  Like traditional media, it will take time for people to notice you and your business, so be patient.  Traditional media can also still be effective.  Let your target audience decide the best way to reach them.

5. Your business cards have to be visually pleasing and effective.  Your company name is not enough if it doesn’t explain exactly what you do.  You need to let people know who you are, what you do and how to contact you.

6. You are your marketing piece.  Before anyone sees your business card or website, they see and hear you.  You are your business.  Look and speak the part.  Be confident.  People will respond to your energy.

7. Build an e-mail list.  Many people overlook this very effective marketing tool.  It allows you to send information to customers based on their preferences.  Don’t just build it; use it.

Above are just some of the marketing lessons I learned as a business owner.  Keep them in mind as you move forward on your entrepreneurial journey.  In the meantime, contact The Write Design Company at 877.570.5228 or [email protected] to help you establish your online presence with blogs.  Be sure to visit today to check out our blogging services and learn more about The Write Design Company.

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About Collaborative Post is happy to provide guest posting opportunities for small business owners. This article was created by one of our contributors.

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