Thank you so much for being a reader of Entrepreneur Resources! Taking time out for personal development will not only enhance your business but also boost your confidence…and clients love confidence. 🙂 I’d like to take this time to introduce myself to you, reader, so that you can understand more about my background and why I’m so passionate about helping other entrepreneurs succeed. Enjoy, and as always, contact me for questions, seminar requests, sponsorship/advertising inquiries, etc. I’m happy to help!
Hello! My name is Dequiana Jackson, MBA, and my specialty is teaching women entrepreneurs how to turn the expertise they already have into a profitable, service-based business. I work with business owners who may have experienced the following: they are passionate about their business, but something about the marketing just isn’t working. They know they have a unique gift that would benefit others, but are having trouble attracting clients who want what they have to offer and are willing to pay for it.
If you’re ready to change that, I will show you how.
Personally, I’m wife of over 10 years to a husband whose passions include ministry, music production and video games and mother to an adult and teen daughter. We live in Chicago, Illinois, but I help entrepreneurs from around the globe.
Contact me for your complimentary, 20-minute Boost Your Business coaching session.
Short Biography:
DEQUIANA JACKSON, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., is a small business marketing strategist who is passionate about helping other women entrepreneurs succeed. Through group coaching and digital products, Dequiana teaches women entrepreneurs how to turn the expertise they already have into a profitable, service-based business. She is the author of 50+ Marketing and Promotion Ideas for Small Businesses and the forthcoming book Get Unstuck: A 30-Day Guide to Step into Your Purpose-Driven Business. Dequiana hosts the Morning Motivation podcast and was inducted into the inaugural class of the Young Women Professionals League.
She is also an award-winning small business blogger at Entrepreneur Resources and was a contributor to The Huffington Post. Dequiana holds an MBA in Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Organizational/Managerial Behavior from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and worked in Brand Management and Shopper Marketing at Procter & Gamble before returning to entrepreneurship.
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