Why Brand Recognition is the Key to Success

You own a business and you’re staying afloat, but you’re looking to take things to that next level. One of the biggest mistakes today’s companies make in marketing their products and services is failing to properly establish a cohesive brand identity from day one. Brand recognition is among the most powerful tools you can leverage in the modern marketplace, and if your business doesn’t have a consistent logo, voice, color palette, and overall identity of its own, you’re likely missing out on a ton of opportunities for exposure and profit gain.

The infographic below offers a ton of useful information about how to better establish your brand identity and attract new and repeat consumers to your business. Did you know that almost 70 percent of trade show attendees will take home a promotional product if it’s something useful? Or that t-shirts, tote bags, and water bottles all fall into that category? From what to bring to trade shows to how to create a consistent color palette, the infographic offers an abundance of information you can utilize to give your brand identity, and ultimately, your sales, a serious boost. There’s even a few ideas as to how to assess the success of your branding campaign, so you can clearly see the changes before and after your branding or rebranding efforts. Take a minute and read these easy tips and remember, when it comes to branding, consistency is key.

Infographic: Harness the Power of Brand Recognition
Click here for the full-sized image.
Enjoyed this infographic? Read more promotional marketing tips from HALO.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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  1. Brand awareness is everything! That’s why different companies so fond of carrying out polls on this point. It’s crucial for a company to be recognized.

  2. Today era, you have to create brand awareness to sell anything. This is the first step of any marketing firm, without your product branding you can’t create your own customers.


  3. Customers who are interested in the types of products or services you offer and who are all already looking to make a purchase. Customer reviews expand your potential customer base multiple times over.

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