If you haven’t experienced the point of information overload, you just might soon – because it happens to the majority of entrepreneurs at some time or another. Information overload is when you simply have too much to learn – so much that you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and more confused than before you had help.
It happens all too easily with digital marketing because there are so many options you have – an endless array of opportunity. You can be a product owner, service provider, and an affiliate all at the same time.
You can use article marketing, social marketing, or pay per click campaigns. If you’re new, or relatively inexperienced, you may not know much about any of the above, and suddenly you’re thrust into an environment where everyone’s opinions differ and you don’t know where to start!
The first thing to do is calm down and take some of the pressure off of yourself. All of this information you need to digest isn’t going anywhere. It’s going to be here tonight, next week, and a year from now.
Don’t invest in an ecourse about Google AdWords, another about Twitter, and one about Branding all at the same time. There’s an old saying, “How do you eat an elephant?” Answer: One bite at a time.
Digital marketing is your elephant and you have to choose whether you want to eat the ear, the foot, or the tail section first. It doesn’t matter if you start out learning about social media marketing before you know the ropes of blogger outreach.
The point is that you’re educating yourself and putting that knowledge to work for you. As long as you read the social marketing guide and apply that insight to a method of making money, you’re on the road to success!
Some things won’t make sense to learn before others. If you know you have no money to start with, then don’t buy (or even download for free) a guide about pay per click marketing. It will only serve as either a distraction or a dust collector, or both. Start with something you can do.
You don’t want a guide to everything all at once. You want to invest in small, bite-sized chunks of information that you can digest and utilize before moving on. Want to start with a free blog? Get a blog guide. Launch a blog.
Then move on to whatever interests you next, such as product creation or selling on Shopify – whatever floats your boat. The key is to not get stuck by having too much information and too many choices at once. There is such a thing as too much learning and not enough doing. Don’t get stuck in training mode. Action is essential!
Miss Kemya
How do you manage to stay focused on action and avoid information overload?
This is a guest post from Miss Kemya, as part of her Marketing Sparkler Blog Tour, where she’s blogging on a different host blog every day for twelve days.
Kemya L. Scott, Chief Marketing Sparkler, is a marketing and social media strategist, speaker and best-selling author of I’m On Social Media, Now What Do I Say. She teaches her clients how to build a highly sought-after digital brand, increase revenue and create a more successful business. Known simply as “Miss Kemya,” she uses a results-focused, “how to” approach when creating her customized strategies so clients enjoy tangible results quickly and easily. Connect with Miss Kemya at http://marketingsparkler.com.
Information overload can have such a paralyzing effect on small business owners. Your tip to invest time and money in learning and implementing one strategy at a time it so key to reaching results for your effort. If you want to learn about multiple marketing techniques, prioritize them and keep a running list of those that you are interested in. They will be there when you are ready to learn.
Cathy Yerges
Business Growth 3 Ways
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Cathy Yerges´s last blog post ..5 Big Reasons Why You Should Use Facebook Ads
Yes Cathy, I had to learn this lesson the hard way. After years of trying to learn a little bit of everything I was big on knowledge and slow to execute. Once I started prioritizing what I needed to learn and when, I could take action and see results. Thanks for hosting and following along on the tour;)
Kemya Scott´s last blog post ..How to Personify Your Brand and Become a Niche Celebrity