4 Security Tips Your Business or Non-Profit Needs

Whether you’re a small business owner or you’re running a nonprofit, you’re going to have to try and keep everything secured.  You may consider yourself immune to break-ins or cyber-attacks but that’s further from the case. There’s the idea that criminals are only going to go after big corporations as those have deeper pockets, right? Well, that’s further from the truth.  While criminals will target the big guy, they’re going to target the little guy as well.

In fact, they’re going to be more than likely to target a small business or nonprofit because they know most of these organizations are going to have significantly less security. Small businesses and nonprofits are the ones that will suffer the most. They’re the ones that are least equipped to cope with a major attack. Not only will their reputation suffer, but there will be major financial losses as well. So how can this be combatted? Is there something that can be done? Continue reading to find out more.

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Prioritize cyber security

More and more criminals are using cyberspace as their main method of activity. There are plenty of methods that a cybercriminal can do that could destroy a business. This can include holding information for ransom (with the use of ransomware), data theft, removing your files and website, and so much more. So what can be done to protect your website and the platform you have online? How can you protect your equipment such as computers? These are a few ways you can do it:

  • Limit the number of employees that you grant admin access to
  • Backup all data on a regular basis
  • Make sure all company devices are up to date
  • Ensure Wi-Fi is secure, and monitor your traffic
  • Have strong and unique passwords for everything
  • Utilize encryption

While this may seem like too much, you’re going to have to do this. As long as you have a good layer of security, you’re going to have a good layer of productivity for you and employees as well.

Utilize an ID system

If you have employees, it’s important to have an ID system.  This could be something similar to a TWIC card, but some sort of ID can massively help with keeping the premise safe as this will minimize the number of potential intruders who will enter.

Check your building for any potential security hazards

Whether your business or nonprofit is in a commercial building, you’re doing the work straight from home, both are not excluded from security hazards. Make sure you thoroughly check all corners and spaces so no break-ins can happen.

Shred physical documents

You should never leave sensitive documents in the trash. This can be a massive hazard to you.  The second that you or your team throws anything into the trash can, anyone can access it. Instead, it’s better to look into getting a good paper shredder and let that do the work.  Regardless of what the sensitive information is, you’re far better off having a paper shredder and letting it do all the work.  Afterwards, you can dispose of the shredded files by recycling them as this can have an added layer of security.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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