The Ways In Which Technology Can Help Meet Your Business Needs

The move towards industries that are increasingly reliant upon technology started many years ago. Technology, in the form of phones and automated services radically changed the way in which businesses functioned. Now, as technology continues to evolve, at breakneck speed, there are many things that you need to know about the way in which technology is used in the business world, including how to correctly manipulate technology to build up your business and meet your business needs.

To stay up to date with the latest trends and technological advancements, your business must have an understanding of hardware, software, and services that your company will need, particularly when you are starting out. While many people in the business world appear to be tech savvy, the reality is that this is a constant process of learning, as the advances in technology move so rapidly that it can be all too easy to fall behind. Knowing what is available to you and your business will allow you to stay ahead of your competitors and allow your company to progress as we move into the future.

The Cloud

After the internet came the cloud. As you are probably aware, cloud storage includes either internal, external or hybrid services that offer your business a safer and more secure alternative to your storage needs. Physical storage forces you to rely on hardware that has the risk of being damaged, lost or stolen, and which is never 100 percent reliable. While the cloud, may not offer you complete protection, there are many private cloud services that provide high levels of security. Cloud-based services are great for businesses that have large bandwidth demands as well as companies that need the flexibility to work from anywhere.


Email, online chat, and instant messaging services enable employers to keep an eye on productivity, as well as allowing employees to quickly respond and liaise with colleagues and clients in an efficient manner, all of which increase productivity in the workplace. For productivity to not be limited by system failures and faulty hardware, it is important to regularly maintain your systems. The need for computer network support and IT consulting is far greater than it ever has been, and as the world becomes more and more reliant upon technology, the greater the need for IT support.

Energy Efficiency

Investing in sustainable energy can help your company save money. Solar panels, are an investment, that, might not be able to cover all of your energy needs, particularly if you are a big business, but will reduce the costs of your electricity bill quite significantly. This is an investment that presents a positive image of your business to the public as well as reducing the cost of operations, and with a greater public demand for greener businesses, this is a move that could increase your reputation and therefore the success of your business.


Moving away from paper enables companies to reduce their carbon footprint and rely less upon the physical. This is not just limited to paper, as reducing your energy consumption and relying upon cloud technology also enables your business to step away from expensive and non environmentally friendly business practices.

Remote working

Remote working is being offered by an increasing number of companies, who see the benefits of this form of work. Employees who choose to work from home, from their laptop or electronic device,  are able to work with their own schedule, which allows a greater flexibility to people who work better at a particular time. The benefit of remote working, from an employer’s perspective, is that it saves on the costs of an office space as well as increasing productivity by limiting absences and sick days.

Teleconferencing And Videoconferencing   

Teleconferencing, now being replaced by video conferencing Can bring people together from all around the world, from different countries and time zones. This is not a new phenomenon, compared to how quickly technology is advancing, however, the various ways in which people can communicate is. Now people can talk or video chat, from a number of devices including tablets and mobile phones, both inside and outside the office. As the quality of these video calls continues to improve, these will replace physical meetings which will increase the flexibility of meetings. The future of teleconferencing and video conferencing will include the use of virtual reality, which might take the form of a headset similar to Virtual Reality headsets, which will enable users to interact with their colleagues naturally as though they were in a meeting.

Social media

Traditional marketing, which relied upon the physical has now been left in the dark ages, and being social media savvy will allow you to market your product or service to a wide audience. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all platforms that can be used to boost the image of your company, and a good knowledge and management of these is imperative for a good marketing strategy. Having a member of staff or a team of individuals, whose job it is to promote your business or service is one of the best investments you can make for your company’s long-term financial health

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing reaches people through texts and alerts as well as advertisements on apps. With more people than ever using their phone as their number one form of communication, as well as leisure, this form of marketing can be particularly successful if managed correctly. If your target audience are millennials, then it is particularly important that you make use of mobile, as well as social media marketing.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is not extinct, despite the increase in social media and mobile marketing. It is important to make use of email marketing as a way of connecting to your bases. Make sure not to send generic messages that over-sell a product or service, as this will likely lead to your email being moved straight to the spam folder, along with having an existing or potential client unsubscribing from your mailing list. Make these emails more informative, rather than sales based, and as a way of communicating with a particular base.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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