Using the Facebook Timeline for Brands

Increasing competition between Google and Facebook

As the competition hots up between the internet big hitters, ostensibly between Google and Facebook, in terms of the provision for businesses, more and more features are being added to the web to enable better customer relationship management, better product promotion, and better customer engagement. There are an ever increasing range of tools being deployed through the newly developed suite of Google features and within Facebook’s myriad of apps and add-ons. So, whether your business is bicycle insurance UK, or developing nuclear thermal energy, there will be a new feature devised to help you bring your product to the market.

It can be difficult to keep up with the changes

It is sometimes difficult to keep up with the changes, let alone maximize the potential that these new features might have for your business. In fact in some cases the costs of deploying resources to keep up with the almost constant alterations is just not effective. However it is worth noting what is happening and deciding if any of the features can be used to help improve your business’ performance, because you can rest assured that, if there is leverage to be had with customers through some of the new features, and you are not taking advantage of it then some of your competitors will be.

Facebook timeline for brands

As part of the recent changes made to its appearance Facebook has introduced the timeline, which has received mixed reviews from users. As with any new feature there is a degree of caution and although many people have grumbled about the new look it is likely to be a fairly solid feature of Facebook in the not so distant future. The feature has now also been enabled for Brands and if you are promoting your brand via Facebook there is actually a fair degree of mileage in this kind of set-up. In fact it terms of the business model Facebook for brands incorporates some key features which are perfectly aligned with high-quality customer engagement and customer satisfaction.

The timeline can help build customer loyalty

In terms of customer engagement the story of the brand is an absolutely vital element in securing customer confidence. If you can present an origin and a history, with a clearly defined narrative you offer your customers more than just a product, but an icon, something they can identify with, and this can go a long way to establishing customer loyalty. As part of the Facebook timeline milestones feature you can plot the important events in the development of the brand. Milestones can also be used to raise awareness of product availability, sales, and key product developments. If used wisely milestones can cement in good customer relationship management ensuring your customers are aware of how your product has developed in the past as well as alerting them to up-coming product developments.

Timeline consistency is the key

As was mentioned earlier the cost of deploying resources here is a serious consideration. The timeline does have certain pitfalls for brands and, if you are unaware of these, they can at best mis-represent business performance, or at worst make you ‘off-trend’, which is a fate worse than death in the modern parlance. There is revealing feature to the timeline for brands and it will allow users to see the history of people liking, tagging pictures or sharing pages or posts. As a result any trough or low that you hit during a business cycle will be clearly obvious to your current or, indeed, potential customers. In order to avoid any obvious malaise it is essential that if you are using the timeline for your Brand that your promotional work is well deployed and consistent. It must be mapped out to reveal a good consistent level or operations and business to ensure your customers, not only feel an affinity with your brand, but also can see that your performance is measured and effective.

The competition from Google

There is no doubt that the introduction of the new feature is one of a range of measures that Facebook has put in place to fend off the competition posed by the aggressive internet gargantuan; Google. The dawn of Google+ may well be heralding the end of Facebook and the performance of new features like the timeline for brands will play a pivotal role in deciding that particular fate.

This guest post comes to us from Imogen Reed.

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About Collaborative Post is happy to provide guest posting opportunities for small business owners. This article was created by one of our contributors.

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One comment

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the timeline. I personally hate it, but I’m going to try to find the value you discussed in this post.

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