Tips to Hire Your First Employee

Anyone preparing to hire their first employee will have to be very careful. One thing is that it is expensive to commit to an employee’s compensation and other benefits, and then comes the surety of hiring the right employee. Firing the employee later on could result in the company needing to offer the severance pay to the former in addition to the loss of time in finding a replacement.


So, the questions in hiring the first employee would typically be whom to hire, when to hire and also where to find the right candidates. Below are the tips to help you answer those questions:


  • The staffing plan should result in shortlisting a group of people who can help in the growth of the business. Highlevel executives need not be hired until the company has witnessed significant progress. A vicepresident or a marketing head may not really be required in the initial stages. For a techbased company, hiring a CEO or a CTO, who could plan the business as well as take care of the development aspects, should suffice.


  • Think carefully before you commence on the hiring spree. Most of the services can be outsourced these days. There are a lot of freelancers available to cater to any kind of job. From accounting staff to marketing, designing and writing staff, a lot of people can be hired as freelancers these days.

    If it is a onetime setup, you could consider outsourcing the various components and then compile a plan on what resources would you be requiring at different levels and with what competencies. Deciding on what to outsource and what to hire should be done after a careful analysis of the main areas of the business.


  • Look for flexible candidates who have experience working in smaller companies. Such candidates will be able to operate in various teams and are usually good at handling multiple tasks.


  • Candidates with fancy credentials might sound appealing. But they may not be of much use later on. These employees would be most accustomed to rules, regulations and processes based on their previous larger companies.


  • A good deal of networking should be the best bet to find employees you are looking for. With references and recommendations, there are higher chances of finding a good employee as most of these would be genuinely recommended by their superiors and companies.


  • Keep a watch on the blogs, social media sites and your websites. Interested candidates who are honestly willing to work will surely try and approach you  through all means possible.


  • There are several agencies that can be of great help in helping you to find the right candidate at any levels. These are also called recruiters who will be more than willing to help you find the suitable candidate.

Grace is an expert associated with the CV Insight, a company that handles preemployment checks and background verification services. Visit their website  ? to gain more information on their services.

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