Three Things to Think About When Your Business Uses Specialist Tools

These days a lot of people think of start-ups as internet based or tech companies, but there are still many traditional brick and mortar companies being launched. There are plenty of entrepreneurs who start businesses in industries or trades they are experienced in – such as plumbing, car mechanics, or construction – because they want to work for themselves, build their own team, and run the business how they want to. These types of businesses require not only specialist workers, but also specialist tools.

As someone working in the trade you want to embark on a business venture in, you probably already have a set of tools you trust. When it comes to equipping your workers for the projects you are hired for, however, there is a little more to it in terms of management. Here are three things you need to think about when your start-up relies on niche hardware and tools:

Tracking Your Inventory

Most office based businesses make sure to log all of the IT equipment, like computers, printers, photocopiers, projectors and phones that they assign for their staff to use. This is usually done with a log somewhere of each item and where it is or who it is assigned to, and inventory labeling on the hardware itself. Because your tools are likely to be expensive, important assets, you need to keep track of them in the same way. It may actually be even more important than that ifse you are taking the tools to different work sites, rather than just keeping them at your office. Use hard wearing metal asset tags to ensure your inventory labeling stays intact and legible, even after your tools have been in use in tough environments.

Hiring as an Option

If you need something very specialized that you don’t think you’ll use that frequently, there is always the option to hire it. Even if you are not in a situation where you need something like this yet, it is good to check out what local hire companies have to offer, so when jobs like this do come up, you already know what is available, and approximate costs. This can help you determine whether you can offer services related to those tools, and potentially expand your services in special situations.

Getting The Best Deals From Suppliers

Whether you buy or hire the majority of the things you use, having a good relationship with key suppliers is important. This can lead to better pricing, preferential treatment, and even word of mouth recommendations as your suppliers pass word of your business on to other customers. In some situations, you may even be able to form mutually beneficial partnerships, for instance if one company hires out landscape gardening equipment that you regularly use, you could put together packages to offer customers where you landscape their garden and the hire company gives them a good deal on hiring the things they need to maintain it themselves.

Thinking about the tools you use as an important part of your business from the outset can help you strategize and manage better, and even open up new opportunities!

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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