Even though a relaxed employee is supposed to be able to focus more efficiently, modern employers are giving little to no thought to the issue of stress in the office. A noisy surrounding, prison cell-like cubicles, lack of daylight and overbearing overseers are just some of the causes of office stress. The greatest problem with this, is that the productivity is not the only thing that suffers, but one’s long-term mental health as well. Now, before you panic take, a deep breath and listen to these six easy steps through which you can fight office stress on the individual level.
1. Get to Work Before Others
Seeing how people can’t get up early enough in the morning, chances are that everyone will arrive at the office at the exact same time. This will cause a lot of havoc and make your work-day start on the wrong foot. Luckily, all of this can be avoided by just getting to work before others start rushing in. In this way, you can get there in utmost serenity. Eat your breakfast in peace and prepare everything you need work. In this way, you will even get to do more, seeing how you won’t spend first hour of your work setting the height of your chair, the distance of your monitor and the volume on your headphones.
2. Relaxing Music
Sure, some people may not function well with noise of any kind, but then again, these people are doomed when it comes to working in the office. Instead of listening to the sound of your coworkers chatting by the watercooler or slamming vigorously on their keyboards, you could play a calming noise on your headphones and simply drift off. Of course, there is still work to be done so you don’t want to play anything too distracting. A great idea would be to find a few hours long recording of the sounds of nature (rain, wind, crackling fire or running water) and use this to relax.
3. Get off the Grid
In some lines of work, you need to be available 24/7 across all platforms, but whenever possible, you should still use the opportunity to just fall off the grid. Imagine a scenario where you have a task to complete, while at the same time getting bombarded with messages on your Facebook Messenger, Skype and Instagram at the same time. It isn’t that hard to imagine just how stress inducing is this hypothetical situation. For this reason alone, it might be for the best to turn off all your IM apps as soon as you get to work and don’t turn them back on until you walk out the office doors on your way home.
4. Use Every Minute of Your Break
Another great idea would be to use your break to the fullest. Some people like to go outside and grab a bit of fresh air. Others prefer to just walk around and stretch their legs. Then, there are those who like to spend this time mingling with their colleagues, getting acquainted with them better. All in all, you need to find the way that suits you the most, even if this means sitting behind the desk for the entire length of it. Naturally, the last part is not such a great of an idea when it comes to your posture, stamina and health in general.
5. Clean the Place Up
According to the office organization experts, it is much easier for one to focus in order than in a mess. There are also numerous researches to support this hypothesis. Unfortunately, in the office, whether the surroundings are messy or not won’t be up to you. Your colleagues might start making piles on their desks, or your employer might not be giving much thought to the issue of office hygiene. Luckily, when it comes to your workstation, you will always have the final say. Try to organize everything the way it suits you the most and this alone will make you feel more at ease.
6. Find a New Job
Finally, there is no such thing as hating Mondays, you can only hate your job. If every waking hour you spend in your workplace feels like an agony, perhaps it is a time to put an end to this. Sure, this means walking out into the job market again and all the financial uncertainty that it brings, but ruining your mental health for a dollar here or there is never a good long-term plan. So, if all abovementioned tips failed, changing a workplace should definitely be your next idea.
In Conclusion
There are many other techniques that sadly couldn’t find place on this list. Few honorable mentions are taking a nap during your break, investing in an ergonomic chair and even learning some breathing exercises. You need to keep in mind that you alone decide whether or not you allow stress to triumph over your mind and body. It is time for you to assume control over your life!
Leila Dorari is a marketing consultant and a freelance writer from Sydney. She currently advises companies on how to save money and move smoothly with the best removals Sydney has to offer. When taking a break from making new marketing slogans, she is either window shopping or exploring new ways to make her life more meaningful.