Non Monetary Rewards That Let Employees Know They Are Appreciated

Giving employees a bonus at the end of each month is a great way for employers to show appreciation for a job well done. Most companies follow a budget that allows a limited number of bonuses each year. In some cases the only time employees receive a bonus is during the winter holiday season. Companies that cannot afford to give out monthly bonuses should consider giving non monetary rewards that let employees know that their loyalty is appreciated. Here are some good examples of non monetary rewards that will show employees that their contributions to the company are appreciated.

Giving Praise
Employers should notice some of the good things that their employees are doing and praise them for their efforts. Many employers take the time to point out what their employees are doing wrong but forget to praise them when they are doing a good job. When employers give praise, they should be specific and mention why they are impressed with the person’s actions.

Just the simple act of saying “thank you” means a lot to employees. It shows workers that their hard work is recognized and appreciated. When employers and co-workers show respect for one another by saying “please” and “thank you” on a regular basis it creates a comfortable work environment for everyone.

Employers and managers should ask workers about their family, pets and hobbies to show they are interested in their life. Camaraderie encourages everyone to work as a team and is one of the best rewards that workers can receive.

Giving Employees Time Off

If it is possible, employers and managers should allow their employees to schedule time off for holidays and special events. If it is essential for employees to work during holidays then the manager should make sure that each employee receives equal treatment when it comes to booking days off.

Supplying Workers with Treats and Meals

Sharing snacks and meals with co-workers is plenty of fun. Employers and managers can create opportunities for workers to bring in different types of food to share. Workers who spend time snacking together will also spend time mingling and enjoying themselves. Boxes of donuts or muffins are terrific for breakfast and will give everybody an energy boost as well. Full Friday afternoon meals or birthday lunches are a great reward for employees. Workers will enjoy the time they spend together and everyone will feel like a valuable member of the company.

Providing an Opportunity for Growth

Lastly, employers should remember that employees are happier when they have the opportunity to improve. A company that offers employee training sessions and cross training will have highly skilled workers who are satisfied with the organization. Employers should utilize the skills of their employees. For example, if an employee is highly creative, they can be assigned to lead creative company projects. This encourages employees to do their best while improving the function of the company.

Employees who attend company conferences and philanthropic or civic events will feel like a valuable part of the organization. This will motivate workers and allow them to network effectively which is good for the company. There are many excellent ways for employers to demonstrate employee recognition. It simply takes some time and creativity to come up with effective ways to make workers feel appreciated. Employers that learn how to improve upon the individual strengths of their employers are more likely to have a successful company. Employers should give non monetary rewards throughout the year and an occasional cash bonus is always a fantastic incentive for employees as well.

Greg works with MTM Recognition—leaders in creating employee recognition programs in a variety of sectors.  He enjoys writing on growing trends in employee relations.

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