Home-Based Office – Make Sunday Night Anxiety a Thing of the Past

It’s Monday morning. You are on a crowded train. Commuters are pushing and jostling to get a seat. An elbow is hovering dangerously close to your eye socket. By the time you arrive at your office you are already frazzled.

Extortionate travel costs, the cost of childcare, and a stressful daily commute are all factors which can make working at home seem like an attractive option. So if you are hoping to ditch your city job in exchange for your latest entrepreneurial venture, it is worthwhile looking into how to best utilise your new space.

Lonely room restored to a new lease of life.

If you lucky enough to have a spare room which only gets visited by the Hoover, it could provide the perfect space to transform into an office. Start by making a list of all the important items you would need to make your office fully functional. A good place to start is to invest in a supportive chair, an adequately sized desk, and a good internet connection. Some offices offer employees a risk assessment to help reduce the chance of RSI. It’s worth considering these issues, as you want to make your working environment as comfortable as possible.

Old shed, turned on its head

Some famous start-ups began at home. Two reputable companies Apple and Amazon nurtured their businesses from their garages. Some homes have transformed their garden sheds into a working space. They have found that sometimes being out of the house is conducive to a good working environment. By increasing the physical distance between you, the fridge and the TV, it seems distractions are reduced.

Safe and sound

Think about tips for keeping yourself and your property safe. If you have extra equipment in your house you may want to up your security efforts. JMC Technologies Limited offers a wide range of cameras which could act as an extra deterrent for potential burglars.

Keep calm and carry on working

For any home-based office, think about a neutral colour scheme and consider creating some guidelines, as you had in place in your old workplace. Good house-keeping, regular breaks and set working hours could be some rules you impart. The boundaries can become blurred when you are working in the comfort of your own home, so having some rules can help you maximise your productivity.

Whatever you decide to do with your space – make sure you aim to keep a good work/life balance. As this is the reason why you left the city, for a better working life after all!

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