Five Top Tips to Protect Your Business from Online Security Threats

Protecting your business against online data theft and fraud is incredibly important, and perhaps never more so than at those early stages of business development.

Many identity fraud crimes take place online, or involve online scams in some form or another and as the number of such crimes continues on a steady ascent it is more important than ever that individuals and businesses alike protect themselves.

While we are often offered tips about how to protect our personal or household information, protecting our business identities can sometimes be overlooked. However the cost of online fraud against companies can be extremely burdensome.

1. Vary and strengthen your passwords

Using the same password in a number of different locations makes it easier for hackers as once they have access to one outlet, they may well have access to the intimacies of your entire business.

Try to vary the passwords used across the board and ensure that each individual has their own personal password for their files. Avoid writing passwords down and never send emails with important passwords in. Make each password is strong by using different characters and cases.

2. Tighten your security policies

When it comes to securing your business against fraud, you need to ensure that all your employees are singing from the same hymn sheet.

Make sure that all your staff understand the importance of security and the implications that breaches of security can have on the business. Ensure that security policies are understood and executed across the board.

Never allow employees to give out security information across the phone and it may be useful to implement a policy whereby all employees must change their personal passwords regularly.

3. Encrypt your data

Encrypting important data can help to deter hackers. It can also mean that if you have portable business technology such as tablets or laptops, these could be protected should you they be lost.

4. Up your antivirus

Today’s hackers are using more sophisticated methods than ever therefore it is important to ensure that your antivirus system has multiple layers and protect all of your different devices across the company.

Business antivirus systems need to be more in depth than ones for personal computers so you may wish to consult a professional computer support company to find out the best options for your security.

5. Back it up

Too many people find themselves wishing they had backed up their system when it is already too late. The bottom line is that if you do not back up your system then losing absolutely everything is a very real possibility.

It is important to not only back up your data but also to remember to do so regularly if it is not automatic, so your files are kept up-to-date. Save it before you lose it!


Lucia Harris writes for Competent Solutions, a full-service Bristol IT Solutions company offering expert support and an extensive range of technology services including Cloud IT to help your business move forward.

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