Aggressive marketing has become notorious in the sphere of small businesses. Think of the stereotypes. The used cars salesman who tries to sell a worn out banger while claiming that it was previously owned by an elderly lady who only popped to the shops once a week. The cold callers who persistently try to push products on you in your home while you’re attempting to eat your supper. The anonymous emailers who flood your inbox, claiming that you could earn preposterous amounts of money in minutes by investing in their business. These are all familiar forms of aggressive marketing, however, most people have grown tired of them. Their success is dwindling. Yet professionals continue to push aggressive marketing campaigns, believing that they are the most effective way to make sales and turn over a profit. While this may work in certain circumstances, it will not help your business in the long run. Individuals who feel that they have been pressured into buying a product are unlikely to return, meaning that you lose potentially loyal customers for the sake of a one-off sale. Tracking everything going on with a marketing campaign can be challenging so it’s highly advisable to use a tool for tracking the most important KPIs to gain greater insights into your campaigns.
Here are a few alternative sales techniques that are less likely to drive potential customers away.

Corporate PR
Many business owners are wary of outsourcing. But every so often, it really is better to call in the help of a specialist. Professionals in corporate PR have plenty of experience in causing a positive stir around a brand or company. So, if you’re looking to put your company in the spotlight, showcasing your products to a large audience, then check out the services provided by These corporate PR services will land your brand the best interviews, features and product placement opportunities. They will conduct market research to understand exactly who your ideal consumers are, what they watch, what they read and will then ensure that your products or services are directly in their eye line.

Create Partnerships
Collaborating with other popular brands can help to expose your brand to people who might not have usually paid much attention to it. There are plenty of ways to do this. Aim to team up with a brand who isn’t direct competition, but caters to a similar audience and has a large following. You might only create one small collaborative collection, but both companies will benefit greatly from the situation, especially from the exposure to one another’s following. You can also create relationships with people who hold influence over your target audience. If you find that your buyers follow a certain band, Instagram page or spokesperson, contact them. You could offer them free samples in return for advertising on their page or social media feeds. Again, both parties benefit, making it a positive business engagement.
So, ditch your current aggressive marketing techniques and try out these more amiable tactics. Remember that persistent exposure to your target consumers is much more effective than pushing them for sales. Customers are much happier when they feel they have had complete control over their purchases, even if they were subtly influenced by persistent exposure to your brand.