While many entrepreneurs, myself included, are on the hunt for an intern or employee to ease some of our workloads, Doug Pick, the CEO of DAP World take a different stance. He prefers to be the only full-time employee of his ear plug company and is doing an awesome job. Last year alone his company sold over 35MM ear plugs. Doug’s tips for success include outsourcing key components of your business. For example, he does not own a manufacturing site. Instead his ear plugs are manufactured by 3M and packaged by New Horizons, a local non-profit that employees the disabled. Persistence and patience are also key. As Doug puts it, “I’m the overnight success that took 15 years to happen.” Securing major clients takes time, so even if you see an entrepreneur who seems to be everywhere all at once – in stores, on TV, in magazines, on blogs, etc. – take a moment to understand how long it took him or her to get to that place of success.
Take a look at the video below to learn how you can be a successful solopreneur. Leave your own tips in the comments section below.
Disclaimer: My blog is a part of an online influencer network for Business on Main. I receive incentives to share my views on a monthly basis. The opinions, however, are all mine.