5 Reasons You Should Consider Investing in Rural IndustriesRequest edit access  Share

Nebraska grain processing plant – Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Investing in rural industries could be considered risky. But the risk is worth it when you consider how much help and opportunities cash injections will bring to isolated areas.

Support for the Backbone of Local Economies

Cities and towns alike depend on the supplies and commodities of outlying lands. Farms and agriculture provide most of what we need yet see marginal support from governments and marginal profits. As a result, many such businesses aren’t sustained for long and close all the time. Utility costs also cripple farms. Many use farm water tanks to harvest rain, but utility bills remain higher than ever in countries like the UK. In addition, many rural towns and villages depend on their local businesses for work since transport links and opportunities are limited.

Provide Jobs for People in Isolated Areas

The limitations of rural areas mean most people cannot get to their nearest city in a reasonable timeframe or cost. As such, an entire town could be dependent on the local employers to provide a fair living wage. For example, on minimum wages, it isn’t possible for a single mother with young children to pay the rail fare needed for commuting to work. Additionally, buses may only stay within a town or village limits, making normally-easy bus commuting impossible for someone in an isolated area prone to bad weather.

Investing in Rural Industries Benefits Poorer Communities

Poverty and hardship occur in all areas of a country, but rural citizens always have it the worst. One survey in the United States found the poverty level to be 16% in rural America compared to 12% in urban areas. Helpful investment in such places provides golden opportunities to give hard-working people a chance to develop local economies. When you invest in a rural business, you essentially help reduce crime and socio-economic instability bred from the lack of opportunities. In short, you can change someone’s life for the better.

You Can Help Shape Future Economic Developments

Of course, investing in one business doesn’t make a dramatic difference. It might only change one life at a time. And to that one person, there is a difference. However, with rural investment, you have the opportunity to help revitalize underfunded and neglected local economies that still struggle following 2008 and into the new year because of world events. Many local governments are more than happy to extend their gratitude to external sources willing to boost jobs, inspire confidence, and help smaller towns out of an unfair rut.

Help Give a Voice to the Most Marginalized

Through investment in the local rural industry, you gain investment in people. Your employees are a valuable commodity. As an investor in struggling businesses, you can help give a voice to the voiceless. Undereducated citizens of smaller towns might not get the opportunities to speak their minds or even help shape their own community. But just because they lack certain things, it doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to voice opinions and be heard. An investor like you can help a small community become a major player in local commerce, industry, and governance.


Investing in rural industries gives you something more than a financial incentive. You can help support struggling businesses, provide employment and empower local communities.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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