5 Online Degrees That Will Guarantee You a Good Job

To get a great job, you don’t have to spend time rearranging your schedule to accommodate the course catalog at your local campus. While it’s true that a degree can help you land an excellent position, there are other options—such as attaining an online degree—that will allow you to start working in a shorter amount of time. In fact, an online degree will open the door to a number of worthwhile careers with fantastic pay, stellar benefits, and enviable job security.

Become a Paralegal

The idea of working in the legal field is exciting, but few people have the wherewithal, time, patience, or money to go to law school. Choose to get a job as a paralegal, however, and you won’t have to go to such great lengths. Paralegals are essential in the legal community, and you never have to pass the bar.

You can get an associate degree to become a paralegal, which should only take two years depending on how much time you can devote to school. If you already have a bachelor’s degree in any other field, however, you can opt for a certificate instead, which could have you working in a couple of months.

Look into Nursing

Image via Flickr by OnCall team

The healthcare industry is definitely booming, and it’s a great time to look into a health-related career. You may not want to go to medical school, of course, but that’s hardly your only option. You can get your start as a certified nurse’s assistant, or CNA, and from there you can work toward a lucrative online nursing degree. This is a wonderful option because as you get your education, you’ll also get valuable experience in the health industry, which will benefit you tremendously once you’re on the floor. Think strongly about becoming a registered nurse (RN).

Consider Criminal Justice

Image via Flickr by Pat David

Criminal justice is an exciting online degree program. It’s popular at campus universities as well. There are so many options with this degree, and depending on what you’re after, you may not even need a college degree. Some police departments merely want you to pass their own training program, which is fantastic if you’d like to become a cop.

There are other jobs in the criminal justice field, however, ranging from criminal investigation to forensics. You could even get a job with Homeland Security. Getting an online degree in this major will provide practical experience as well as knowledge, and you may choose to work with your local police department while earning your degree.

Think About Speech Pathology

Helping children and adults who have speech problems is a truly rewarding profession. You can become a speech therapist by going to school online. What you learn will help you aid people of all ages. In addition to helping people with speech impediments, you can help individuals who have suffered from strokes, brain injuries, loss of hearing, swallowing issues, and a host of other communication problems.

It’s worth noting, however, that you will need to attain a master’s degree to become a speech-language pathologist. However, the work itself is so rewarding that even the learning portion is eye-opening and exciting. The good you do when you enter the field is well worth the amount of schooling you need.

Learn Dental Hygiene

Image via Flickr by Herry Lawford

Becoming a dentist, or D.D.S., is just as difficult as getting your M.D. or D.O., or Doctor of Osteopathy. However, again, going to medical school is not your only option if you love the world of dental hygiene. Think about becoming a dental hygienist, where you’ll be right in the thick of things. You only need to get an associate degree, and there are many fantastic online programs to help you do this. There are other options as well, including certification or continuing your schooling to acquire a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Online learning is quickly becoming a worthwhile alternative for people who want to continue their education, and there are so many jobs that lend themselves well to it. Have you considered getting a degree online?


L. Robinson is a full-time writer and lover of learning. She believes you never stop learning, and that where you do it doesn’t matter nearly as much as how you do it.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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