We’ve moved from My Space to Orkut and from Orkut to Facebook. The social media platform has evolved beyond recognition. Today social media websites not only put you in touch with loved ones (or hated ones for that matter) you had long given up looking for, but they also help provide a number of specific services. LinkedIn provides a strong network for professionals of all fields and makes it convenient for employers to find qualified resources from anywhere in the world. Twitter and Facebook provide a number of services from keeping you updated on who’s getting more cats and who’s had a second child to making you aware about global issues, sending alerts about that job you wanted and how much discount your favourite brand is offering in the upcoming sale!
Currently for small and medium businesses, Facebook is the main medium of promotion and advertisement. Facebook provides many customizable features for small businesses and easier access to a broader user base than twitter or LinkedIn. That is the reason it is leading in the race. If you run your business on Facebook as well, here are a few ways to promote your Facebook page to make sure it gets noticed:
- Post Abundantly
If you run a Facebook page, post frequently. Post at least thrice a day. Experiment with timings as well.
Try posting within, as well as after office hours since many workplaces have a Facebook ban policy. Use hashtags and post relevant links from other pages as well. Post statuses, hold contests, make frequent cover changes and keep the posts interactive. If it does not stress your budget, you can always market content through paid advertisement to reach a larger consumer base.
- Themes
Run themes on your page. There can be a theme for every day, week or selective days. For example once a month there can be a special discount on items of a selective colour. This can also highlight unsold items which have been posted a while back and been forgotten due to lack of activity.
- Utilizing the ‘About’ section
This area often gets neglected and people leave it empty. This is a mistake. A user which is new to your page will always want to know more about it. Use the ‘About’ section carefully and put a link to your website in there as well. Remember, there is a limit of 165 words so be concise and to-the-point!
- Videos and Images
It is a proven psychological fact that most humans find pictures more comprehensive than black and white text or audio recordings. So use pictures frequently. Pay special attention to your cover photo and display picture. Use videos too. They are an excellent tool for engaging those bored viewers!
- Respond to Comments
When people comment on your page, respond. Don’t be selective. Respond to all and sundry! It shows you value your customers and that you’re approachable. They then recommend your page to their friends who also show interest. This not only promotes your Facebook page, it is an excellent Facebook marketing technique!
- Evaluate your competition
It doesn’t matter whether your Facebook page has more or less competition, you need to stay vigilant! The key to staying abreast of your competition is knowing what they are up to. This way if they come up with interesting promotions or offers, you can come up with better ones! This brings us to the next topic.
7. Promotions and competitions
Keep things lively! This is a surefire way to promote your Facebook Page. Small giveaways, riddles, questions and special offers keep the users interested and ensure participation. Competitions where people are asked to share a specific post to win are also very popular and an excellent Facebook marketing tool.
- Special Events and Occasions
Is there a special even coming up? Don’t lay dormant! Make use of it. Religious festivals like Christmas, Eid, Holi and various others often traditionally involve exchange of gifts. Well why shouldn’t those gifts come from your page? Similarly global days like Valentines, Mother’s and Father’s Day are celebrated worldwide. Promote them on your page and attract customers!
- Keep Posts Brief
We have an attention span of approximately 30 seconds. After that our minds start to wander and we lose focus. So it will be good Facebook Marketing to keep your posts brief, witty and to the point. There is nothing like a well-placed one liner that makes people laugh enough to promote your Facebook page!
- Carry Out Surveys
Carry out regular surveys or polls through your page. This will keep the members engaged and give you an insight into their thoughts about you and the Facebook page you manage. It can be a good idea to offer a small prize through a lucky draw since that creates just the right amount of thrill and drama to even get those silent observers off their chairs and participating!
Andy Thompson has been a freelance writer for a long while. Her passion in writing is her main drive in crafting articles that are engaging, informative, and meaningful. Her partnership with TroopSocial has given her a whole new opportunity to take writing to a whole new level.
Very informative post!