Why YOU are the key to your success and HOW you can make it happen – PART 1

Being an entrepreneur takes guts.

It means leaving behind a conventional career path and stepping out into the unknown. It means being self reliant and self sufficient, having self discipline and being determined to succeed.

And that’s why so many entrepreneurs fail.

The competition is tough. There are hurdles at every turn. It’s all too easy to make wrong decisions and become swamped by all the responsibility, energy sucks and financial strains. Sometimes you have to be an accountant, sometimes a secretary, a computer whiz kid, a skilled copywriter, a PR expert, a fighter, a lawyer and a manager as WELL as a marketing pro (and that’s just a few things!), and time quickly begins to dribble away, the stress piles on and before you know it your hopes and dreams are shattered and you’re bailing out.

The truth is it ain’t easy – no matter HOW good your intentions were to begin with.

It’s a MAJOR challenge that even the best in the business struggle with at times.

But you CAN do it.

YOU are the key to your success. YOU have already proven you’ve got what it takes by simply making the decision to take on that challenge in the first place.

But in order to succeed where others fail, you’re going to need some kick-ass artillery.

It’s time to bring out the big guns.

Want to know what the single BIGGEST WEAPON successful entrepreneurs have in their arsenal?

Self belief.

They are confident and courageous. They stick by their principles, have faith in their abilities and take no prisoners.

Self belief is the KEY to sustaining that original drive and determination against all odds and never being defeated. It may sound simple, but success really is largely down to having the right state of mind.

So how do you achieve such formidable self-belief? I’m going to reveal all in this 2 part post.

There’s some serious artillery you must have in your stash that will support you in your mission, contribute to your personal and business growth, and help you wage war on your demons. Let’s take a look:

  • Optimism

Worst case scenario; your business dies overnight. Would it seem like an irreconcilable tragedy, or would you look at it as an opportunity to make a new beginning – to improve, to grow and to rebuild bigger and better than before? Successful entrepreneurs eye everything as a source of opportunity – even failure – so when it all goes Jackie Chan learn to see it as a positive. Embrace the belief in what you are doing and don’t let it set you back. Don’t let negative thoughts and self-doubt work their way in and never, ever believe that you cannot and will not succeed.

  • Strengths

Nobody’s perfect. Everyone has flaws – but everyone also has incredible strengths too. Pinpoint your strengths and powers and use them as your focus instead of any negatives. This is what will help you reinforce your self-belief and help you achieve more success by channelling your efforts into the areas you excel at. If you think you have a major weakness use that crucial optimism and view it as an area for self improvement and a challenge that will help you grow your skill base and bring an added asset to your business.

  • Energy

I’m not talking some hippy claptrap here – the ability to generate your own energy and drive has a significant impact on your self-belief. You may scoff, but think about it – everything needs energy to work, and the energy you dedicate to yourself and your business you will ultimately get back, with ROI. Your energy will fuel your self-belief, and your self-belief will feed your energy – it’s a self-sustaining cycle that will help you power your business forward and snowball your way to success.

There you have three incredibly strong pieces of advice. Don’t miss out on this by being closed-minded. This is tried and tested stuff that really does work and the MOST SUCCESSFUL entrepreneurs do this exact same stuff so it’s worth taking seriously!

Try these tips on for size and come back for part 2 where I’ll reveal more valuable methods to achieving powerful self-belief and accelerating your business to a higher level.


James makes small businesses bigger. He’s worked with some of the world’s largest brands and companies to market their products and services online – including Disney, Microsoft, 20th Century Fox, Virgin, Coca Cola, MTV and many others. Find out more and read business growth tips at http://www.JamesTNoble.com

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Entrepreneur-Resources.net is happy to provide guest posting opportunities for small business owners. This article was created by one of our contributors.

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