Regardless of the size of your business it is potentially inevitable that you will have a contractor working or visiting your premises at some point in the future. The work that contractors usually undertake can be hazardous and dangerous to your employees and the contractors should something go wrong.
You should know that if something does go wrong on site or at your businesses premises then the health and safety laws puts legal responsibility on both parties for the safety of each other. In causes of injury or damage to a party’s property or person then It Is likely the party that has been negligent will incur the cost of repair through a compensatory system. If an accident does occur it is vital that any problem big or small is recorded regardless of the industry or type of fault/injury/problem.
If your business has not already worked with contractors then these following tips should give you a basis understanding of how you can ensure yourself, your business and contractors can stay safe:
Considering the contractors
One of the best ways to ensure your employees and premises stays safe is by choosing your contractor carefully. Selecting a contractor based on the price is never recommended, a contractor should be chosen by its merits and its ability to complete a project safely and effectively. You should always look at the contractor’s previous work and ask for references before you make a final decision on who to hire. You could even look into producing a tender if you’re the contract is costly and long term.
Monitoring progress
It would be wise to select an employee who has been trained to understand the dangerous and risks associated with the work the contractors are undertaking. A business should rely on this member of staff to undertake risk assessments, before, during and after work has been completed, enabling the information to be passed around the business deeming the work to be safe and complete (ready for use). This dedicated person should perform regular checks on the progress of the work and relay any concerns to both the contractors and the business immediately.
Many small businesses are not aware of the sub-contracting that can take place when they hire contractors to undertake work. Contractors sometimes hire external professionals/organisations to come in and to do tasks on behalf of the contractor. The problem for businesses is that sometimes the subcontractors are not committed to the work they are undertaking, often resulting in poor work, effort and sometimes over running schedules and budgets.
If you can find a contractor that can do the tasks you ask without hiring subcontractors then it’s advised to us them as they will be fully in control of their own workforce. If you do have sub-contractors working on projects then you need to ensure they are aware of the risks and have the same health and safety regulations and procedures the contractors are.
If your business is going to have work carried out on site or in your place of work then it is important to ensure everyone is aware of what work is being carried out, where it is and what they need to do when in those areas. If the working area is considered as dangerous then you may need to implement a clear procedure for entry and exits. This is important as if you have cherry pickers and fork lift trucks moving around regularly then you may need to make everyone aware of the dangerous of people working at height. Consider looking at your local authorities website for more information around health and safety in the work place.
Karl Young created this article for Loxam Access, powered access equipment rental in the UK. Find out more about Loxam Access.
I liked when you talked about finding a contractor that cares about safety. I can see how anyone looking into this would want to make sure they find experienced people who know how to use their tools and avoid accidents. It is important to remember that contacting several people and comparing their rates and services can help you find someone you can put your trust into.
Definitely agree with the commenter above stating you should ‘shop around’, make sure you absolutely trust your contractor, especially – as you said – they tend to sub-contract!
Make sure you choose a contractor who is known for their safety measures, not their ability to perform the task cheaply!
Thanks for your comment!
Great information about Safety Tips for Hiring Contractors.
well it is necessary before hire any kind of contractors you must have search out high professional and trusted Contractors.
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Health and safety is a huge part of any contracting gig. Especially roofing contractors. Skilled tradesmen working at height should certainly employ the highest safety standards. But also those using heavy machinery. I think there are laws in Bristol ( where I’m from ) when it comes to roofing contractors working on scaffolds. I mean it makes sense doesnt it. The last thing you want is a nasty accident
Sometimes it makes sense to hire a pro rather than take on a job yourself. But choosing the wrong contractor can lead to delays, subpar work, and even legal problems. These guidelines will help us choose a professional contractor and ensure a good working relationship.
Great blog. What do you find is the hourly wage most contractors are charging ? $50-$80 per hour range is what I am guessing? thak for the tips by the way
Tasks such as renovating an office can take months to complete if you were to do it by yourself. Hiring a professional contractor who is specialized in the area that you need services on gives you sufficient time to engage in other productive activities in your home or office.
It’s important to remember that contacting multiple people and comparing their rates and services can help you find someone you can trust. Especially the roofing contractor. Skilled traders working at heights should definitely use the highest standards of safety. But also those who use heavy machinery.
I found it interesting that you mentioned that contractors should never be chosen based on price. I would imagine that for a construction task, you would want to hire the most reputable person for the job. It’s important to consider these measures when hiring a contractor.
I like that you pointed out that the contractor should be picked based on their ability to keep a project safe and effective. With that in mind, companies needing their services should check previous works of the contractor before hiring them. It would be the best thing to do because having large projects such as removing huge rocks and excavating the place for constructing a building should have no room for errors.