Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels
Your website is the face of your business and getting your website to work for you
is something that you must-do if you want to grow your business. Your website should be a place where potential customers and returning clients can go to get valuable information about not only your product and services but industry information as well.
If you have been struggling to make your website stand out there are a few things you can do to ensure that your website becomes a valuable part of your strategy for success. Here are some tips that you can use to make your website work for you.
Have an Eye-catching Freebie
One of the easiest ways to make your website stand out is to have an eye-catching freebie that your visitors are anxious to have delivered to them. Remember that when people land on your website you need to give them directions about what to do.
Your freebie should be at the top of your website if possible and it should be something that your visitors will want. This is a great way to capture email addresses quickly so that you can grow your email list.
The more people you have on your list the higher the likelihood that you’ll be able to sell more of your products and services. When people get on your email list you can develop a more personal relationship with them.
Add a Search Bar
If you have a large website you should make sure that you add a search bar to it. People get frustrated very quickly when they need to find something on a website and they have to navigate through tons of content.
This can cause them to leave your website very quickly. The best way to solve this problem especially if you have a lot of content is to use the search bar on your website.
Put the search bar in a place that is very conspicuous so that it will not be hard to find. Try putting it at the top of the page or directly at the bottom where people normally expect it to be. These are usually the first places that people look.
Make Use of Video
Video is all the rage these days and with good reason, if you want to capture the attention of your visitors you can use videos in your headers to make your website grab their attention as soon as they arrive on your website.
The video could be something showcasing your products and services. You could also have a video showing behind-the-scenes footage of how you make your products.
Whatever video you choose, make sure it is something that your target audience will be interested in so that it grabs their attention and keeps them on the page. A bonus of keeping people on the page is that it will reduce your bounce rate.
The longer people stay on your page the more signals that will be sent to Google that you have valuable content. This will help you rank higher in search engines.
Start a Blog
An easy way to make your website stand out and to drive more traffic to it is to start a blog. Writing a blog for your website with informative information will allow more people to be exposed to your products and your services.
You should write about items that people who buy your products or use your service would be interested in. Once you start creating a lot of these blog posts on various topics you can get them to rank in search engines.
You will need to make sure that you do search engine optimization on any content that you publish on your website. Selecting the right keywords for your blog topics is important.
Search engine optimization involves ensuring that your keywords are strategically placed throughout your piece and also in your title and post description so that you attract more traffic to your content.
If people find your content informative they are more likely to keep coming back to your website. They may even sign up for your email list after reading a post.
Search engine optimization can be tricky in the beginning so if you don’t know a lot about it you might want to hire someone to assist you with it and to assess your website performance as well. You can also buy courses and books online that will teach you about search engine optimization.
Use Graphics and Fonts
Using the right graphics on your website is one of the easiest ways to make your website grab attention. You should try to decide on the look you are going for on your website.
While you are deciding on the graphics you want to use on your website you can also select your brand colors as well. These are the colors that you will use consistently on your website, on social media, and in other places to make people instantly recognize your brand.
The same type of attention that you give to your brand’s logo is the same type of attention you should give to the colors that you use for your brand. Bear in mind that color has the potential to evoke emotion in people. You should decide on the emotions you want to evoke in people whenever they come to your website.
Remember too that you should have white space on your website to reduce clutter. Having a lot of white spaces on your website means you’ll help people to navigate it a lot more clearly.
Get Noticed
Making your website grab attention is something that you need to focus on. You want to have a website that people keep coming back to.