Getting into the Food Business: Tips to Fail-Proof Your New Restaurant Before it Opens

Everyone knows that a large portion of restaurants fail in their first year; however, all great restaurants have to start somewhere, and there’s no reason your venue can’t be among the restaurant successes from the moment you open your doors. With serious planning and unstinting dedication, you can live your dream and operate your very own thriving restaurant. Here are tips to fail-proof your new restaurant before it opens.

A Popular Theme

Before opening any type of restaurant, you’ll want to do some research. A vegan-eatery in the heart of a cattle town might seem like a great niche eatery, but you need to have an idea of how many vegans live in the vicinity. Your theme needs to encompass a menu filled with foods that area people actually want to eat. Be sure to consider your target market carefully as well as that can inform your theme and how you intend to market your establishment.

Talented Chef or Cook

You can import all the Carrara marble you want and purchase one-of-kind artisan-crafted light fixtures for each table, but no matter how inviting your décor is, people won’t come back if the food is sub-par. Before you invest in top-notch furnishings, make sure you have the best people in your kitchen preparing food that customers will rave about. A great cook or chef is worth their weight in gold.

Build Up the Bank

It’s not a good idea to launch your restaurant on a shoe-string budget. You never ever want to be in a position where you start pinching pennies over whether decisions like whether you can afford organic parsley or not. It takes serious capital to open a restaurant, and you’ll need some cushion to fall back on as you get up and running. Always overestimate your capital needs.

Inviting Décor

Comfortable and inviting décor is a great way to attract customers. Consider the customer experience as you design your table placements. For restaurants with small spaces, there are tables and chairs available that are less bulky and cumbersome than some types of settings. If your seats are uncomfortable and too close to other tables, some customers may choose not to return. If you are uncertain about an interior design plan, it might be a worthwhile investment to consult with a designer who has experience working with the restaurant sector.

Relentless Marketing

Don’t expect people to rush through your doors on opening day unless you’ve done a thorough job marketing your new restaurant and promoting your grand opening. You can advertise your new restaurant via traditional outlets like newspapers and flyers, but you should also establish your presence on social media sites from the get go. Make sure your restaurant is listed on review sites like Yelp, and encourage your first customers to post reviews in order to entice other people to try you out.

By keeping these tips in mind and staying focused on superior customer service, you can build a successful restaurant. Be sure to take time to train your staff and insist that they serve your customers with the same care you would. A restaurant business may not be the easiest one to launch, but it is one of the most gratifying as you’ll see once your customers begin to tell you “your food is great.”


Ellen Grant has been involved with several restaurant ventures and enjoys the opportunity to share her industry insights online. She is a regular writer for several business and lifestyle websites.

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One comment

  1. Thanks for sharing such helpful content!
    One piece of advice for the future. Wherever possible, always source fresh, local, and seasonal goods. Most of your customers will likely be able to tell the difference and will therefore be more than happy to fork out a little extra for the quality ingredients!

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