In an age of social media saturation and 24/7 online interaction, brand image and reputation have become two of the most important pillars of the business world, and if you think that we are only talking about your company’s presence in social networks, you really need to read the rest of this article.
There was a time when a customer complaint could be largely handled internally. Prior to the advent of the internet, the risk of a bad customer experience resulting in a newspaper report or a segment in the evening news was not something that small business owners worried about because journalists used to focus on large corporations almost exclusively. These days, however, a customer complaint can quickly turn viral without the help of news media outlets; all it takes is a clever Twitter update or a caustic Facebook rant and enough engagement to tarnish the reputation of a company.
A viral complaint by an unhappy customer can be prevented at the customer service level; for this you will need to sharpen your customer contact points, which happen to be crucial to your business reputation.
The Importance of Social Care
If you choose to use social media as a customer service platform for your company, you must thoroughly deliver on this intent. Nearly 60 percent of customers between the ages of 18 and 24 are more likely to turn to social media when they have a customer service issue.
Major brands such as Comcast and Verizon use Twitter, Facebook and other networks for the initial customer care contact; if they cannot provide a quick answer, they encourage customers to call their customer service departments. The key is to respond to the initial query as quickly as possible and in a courteous manner since all social media netizens are watching the interaction.
Outsourcing Customer Care While Retaining Brand Reputation
There was a time when outsourcing customer service involved choosing foreign call centers where representatives had little cultural affinity with American customers. Years later, the concept of “nearshoring” placed call centers closer to the United States, which was an improvement with regard to cultural affinity.
These days, a customer care answer service can be outsourced within the US, an option that makes it easier and more effective since product knowledge and branding strategies can be transferred to call center agents who really understand the American business ethos. Moreover, 24-hour call centers in the US can offer the added advantage of tracking contacts, providing analytics and integrating with customer relationship management (CRM) systems so that brand reputation strategies can be formulated.
Engagement is the Key to Brand Reputation
You really want to train the agents in charge of your customer contact points to be more than just company representatives; they should become brand ambassadors by means of proper customer engagement. When dealing with your customers, your call center agents must always present your brand in a positive light; instead of approaching calls as if they were transactions, they should approach them as being branding opportunities that allow them to highlight why your company is the right choice.
Projecting an Image of Commitment
In the 21st century, your prospective customers are looking for experiences more than products and services. The most sought-after experience entails authenticity, which can be conveyed by projecting a brand image that feels spontaneous and natural. If you own a neighborhood convenience store, for example, you can encourage your social media followers to share recipes and pictures of their holiday dinners. If you are the proud owner of a pizzeria, you can share tips with your customers about how they can make a gourmet French bread pizza at home.
In the end, your customer contact points can make or break your brand image. You want to be on top of this important aspect of your business if you want to achieve success.
About the Author: Anica is a professional content and copywriter from San Francisco, California. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here. If you are considering hiring a customer care answer service, Anica suggests you check out the services of ROI Solutions.