Studies show that the rat race leads to burnout, depression and other mental health issues. Adam J Clarke, Macropay Founder and CEO shares his thoughts on the importance of work-life balance.
Adam Clarke disclosed that based on his personal experience, a happy work-life balance produces better results. As a successful entrepreneur, the CEO understands the pressures of starting or building a business. The temptation is often to burn the midnight oil. However, Adam Clarke says this is counterproductive. A tired mind and an exhausted body are more likely to make mistakes.
The Cost of an Unhealthy Work-Life Balance
A prolonged unhealthy work-life balance leads to burnout. This burnout can result in fatigue, anxiety, irritability, and a decrease in work quality. Apart from mental health issues, overwork and fatigue also lead to a repressed immunity. As such, employees tend to fall sick more often which can result in lost revenue for the business.
Notably, Adam Clarke started Macropay in a living room in 2013. Since then, Macropay has grown into a multi-million-euro business. The founder credits part of this success to having a life outside of work. This is something Adam Clarke has continued to ensure as part of the Macropay culture.
How Millennials are Driving the Shift in Work-Life Balance
In general, millennials are starting to dominate the workplace. Forbes predicts that millennials will make up about 75% of the global workforce by 2025. This generation values job satisfaction more than previous ones. As a result, millennials are more likely to switch jobs to find employers that promote a healthy work culture and good work-life balance. By promoting these values, businesses stand lessen turnovers and save significantly from recruitment and training costs.
Furthermore, people are the most valuable asset in a company. Like any other asset, people need to be looked after to ensure optimal performance. Adam J Clarke emphasised that things like rest, vacations, adequate maternity/paternity leave are not perks but prerequisites for any company that wishes to retain its talent.
Adam J Clarke & The 5 Ways to Improve Work-Life-Balance
Learn to say no.
In a culture that values multitasking and working under pressure, it can be tempting to shoulder more weight than you should. It is therefore important to learn to identify your limits before you reach them. To use a familiar analogy, it is important to wear your own mask before helping others wear theirs.
Rest is part of productivity
It is not something you must earn or deserve. It is a basic requirement if you want to do and give your best. This means gatekeeping free time like lunch breaks, weekends and avoiding constant overtime.
Put your health first
A deadline can be moved. Your health, on the other hand, is a lot harder to recover. Listen to your body and give it the care it deserves. Your work should not make it difficult to eat healthy, exercise regularly or get adequate sleep.
Practice self-compassion
Saying you are a perfectionist might sound good but in reality, it leads to stress, anxiety and burnout. You are human, this means you will make mistakes sometimes. Don’t hold yourself and others to unrealistic expectations.
Your co-workers will not know that you need help unless you tell them. Communicate openly and clearly, setting boundaries firmly but politely. You would be surprised how this will improve your work relationships.
If you would like to learn more about Adam J Clarke, the Macropay team, and the revolutionary payment technology they develop, visit their site.