3 Factors To Consider When Developing New Manufacturing Processes

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There are a few key things you need to think about before you put anything into practice. These are the main factors to consider when developing a new manufacturing process.


When it comes to your manufacturing processes, safety is the most important factor. You should always start by asking yourself what you need to do to ensure everyone who works in your warehouse stays safe at all times. The best way to improve safety is through prevention and risk control. This means having a safe working environment with quality materials, tools, and equipment for each task that needs completing. If you get in touch with a process safety company, they can help you manage any risks. You also need to invest in training before the new process goes live. To prevent accidents from happening, make sure every worker has been fully trained on how to use any machinery or equipment they will use as part of their job role. 


Whenever you’re changing your manufacturing processes, the cost will always come into the equation. New processes can often be more expensive to implement and then maintain over time if done wrong. No matter what industry you work within or how big your business is, costs need managing from day one. When it comes to your budget, make sure you have three different figures:

The initial expenditure for developing and implementing the new process 

The recurring operational expenditure needed to keep the system running 

And the total cost incurred after both of these figures are combined

If you are not saving money, consider why you are making the change and whether it is really worth it or not. If you are increasing efficiency, it may be worthwhile, but if you are implementing a new system that doesn’t really benefit you in any way, why spend more money on it?


Alongside safety and cost, sustainability is a major factor to consider when developing a new manufacturing process. If you don’t think about this from the start, then your system will never be sustainable. This means measuring any impact the process will have on the environment from day one. As well as carbon emissions, you need to measure water usage and waste produced by your business too. When it comes to every industry in the world today, whether it’s construction or food production, there are already tough regulations in place for environmental protection. You need to make sure that anything you implement won’t break these rules if you want your new system to work long-term. 

Consumers are increasingly concerned with sustainability, so any new processes should always aim to cut your impact on the environment, not increase it. 

As long as you keep these 3 things in mind, your new manufacturing process will be a success.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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One comment

  1. You are certainly right these safety, cost, and sustainablity are the three most important factors to consider when you are starting a new manufacturing porcess.

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