How To Ensure Employees Have Pride In Their Work

Employees can be something of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they’re often absolutely necessary when it comes to growing the business, taking the burden off you as a business owner, keeping customers happy, and so on. On the other hand, you’ll need to do a lot to take good care of them to ensure they work hard and are as productive (and happy) as possible. 

That second element isn’t an easy thing to do when you’ve got a lot more going on, and one way to cut down on the hard work is to ensure your team has pride in their work and in your business. If that’s the case, you can step back a little and leave them to get on with things because they like working where they work and doing what they do. With that in mind, here are some of the things you can do to ensure employees have pride in their work. 

How To Ensure Employees Have Pride In Their Work
Photo by Christina Morillo

Give Them Clear Goals 

If you want employees to have pride in their work, they’re going to need to know they’re doing the right thing and achieving what they’re meant to – achieving what you want them to do. That means you’re going to have to set clear expectations and goals, so that your team knows exactly what’s expected of them and can do what needs to be done. 

If they’re never quite sure of what they’re meant to be doing or even if they’ve done the right thing in the right way, pride isn’t something they’re going to be feeling – they’ll be anxious, stressed, and unhappy instead. Make sure each employee has their own goals and ensure they all know the company’s goals too, as that makes it even easier to know whether or not they’re heading in the right direction. 

Provide Growth Opportunities 

Some employees might be quite happy to stick where they are in your business and just plod along without pushing themselves to the next level, and there’s nothing wrong with that – not everyone is going to be ambitious, and as a business owner, the ‘plodders’ are often the most reliable employees you’ll ever have. 

However, you’ll also have employees who definitely do want to get further ahead in their careers, and for them, it’s wise to provide the growth opportunities they’re looking for if you want them to be proud of where they work and have pride in their work too. Offering training programs, mentoring them, and showing them what career paths could be on offer means they’ll be able to take ownership of their work and boost their careers, feeling proud all the time they’re doing it. 

Give Out Company Swag

Giving out company swag can be a fun and effective way to ensure your team is proud, and there are loads of different company swag ideas you can use to make sure everyone’s happy. It could be branded clothing, office supplies, vouchers, and so much more – the choice is yours, so think about it carefully if this is something you want to do. 

When employees get swag, they’ll be happy to receive something, but it can also be used as a great branding tool to get more recognition, especially with a logo attached, so it could be an ideal thing to do for all kinds of reasons – the fact that it can create company pride is certainly one of the benefits.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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