Tips for Training a Powerful Startup Team

When starting your new business with a startup team, things can quickly get out of hand. After all, no one has worked together for a long period of time and everyone probably has their own way of doing things based on personal and job history. From the very beginning when starting a new company it is vital to get everyone on the same page and working cohesively as a single unit, a well-oiled team. Whether you are just starting at a new location or a totally new business, you need to work as a team in order to get off to a good start. Here are some team building tips that just might come in handy.

Meet the Team

The first thing you will want to do is make sure the team gets acquainted with each other. Whether in different physical locations or all working under the same roof, it is imperative that they are able to work together as a single unit where the goals set out for the team take precedence over personal achievements. If you cannot hold several preliminary ‘get acquainted’ meetings in one central location, the very least you can do is set up a series of teleconferences so that each member learns who their peers are and how to work together effectively.

Take Advantage of the Internet

Training is a huge consideration when setting up a new team. This is the time to take advantage of the internet. There are a number of online courses that come highly recommended when building a team and starting a new business among which is the  Six Sigma training at Not only will your team learn how to streamline processes so as to get tasks done efficiently and in a timely manner, but they will learn how to reduce waste and produce measurable outcomes. The Internet is an invaluable resource when it comes to training.

Establish Communications

Also important in a new business is communications. There always needs to be a way in which your team can communicate with each other throughout the day. Show them how you expect communications to take place, set up a protocol for when and how to communicate and make sure everyone understands the system you have laid out for your startup. From messaging to VOIP calling to email, train your staff how to communicate and to document discussions that may need to be called up at a later time.

Choose Team Leaders Wisely

Companies that are starting up a branch or new location typically pull trusted and knowledgeable staff from other locations to head up teams just starting out. This helps to keep things running according to current protocols while providing a senior staffer to train those new to the company. If you are a brand new startup, use the ‘get acquainted’ time to choose a team leader who seems to communicate well with others, has a solid understanding of your industry and the makings of a strong team player. Time spent training your team leaders should be separate from training the group and money spent in the beginning on such things as the online courses mentioned above may be limited to team leaders if your budget is tight.

It doesn’t matter whether you are building a team at a new location or creating a whole new team for a new business. You need to find a team leader who is respected by the group, offer ample training so that your team isn’t working blindly and establish a way in which your team can communicate throughout the day. Training a new team is one of the most important steps in starting your company so make sure to offer the best and widest range of training possible. The team you build can make or break your startup so make sure training is a top priority.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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