Three Reasons Why Outsourcing Might Just Save Your Business

One of the hardest things that new business owners discover very quickly is that they can’t always handle everything themselves. Sure, when you first set up your business you might be able to handle all of it, but if you want to turn it into something truly successful, then it’s going to become increasingly difficult to do everything by yourself. Of course, this presents a problem for many business owners. What happens if your business is large enough that you can’t handle it alone, but not quite large enough that hiring employees is a viable option? If that’s the case, then there’s one thing that might turn out to be your saving grace: outsourcing. Outsourcing is essentially handing over aspects of your business to outside organizations and individuals. Here are just a few reasons why it might just be the thing that saves your business from the brink of failure.


It fills in gaps in your expertise

Even if you’re something of a polymath, there’s very little chance that you’re going to have experience in every single aspect of running a business. This means that you’re either going to have exhausted yourself doing huge amounts of research or put up with less than ideal results. Outsources circumvents both of these issues by allowing you to hand things over to companies who are specifically trained in whatever aspect of your business they’re helping you with. Rather than struggling with complex code, you can hand over the design of your website to a company like Or perhaps you don’t want to go through piles of invoices in order to get to grips with your business’s finances, so you can instead hire an accountant to deal with those things for you.


It’s cheaper than hiring full-time employees

Bringing in full-time employees has a lot of benefits, but cost certainly isn’t one of them, especially when you’re still running a very small business. For one thing, you’re making a pretty solid commitment to that employee to pay them a salary every month no matter what. The great thing about freelancers is that you only pay them for the work that they’re doing. This means that when the work that they do is over, you no longer have to worry about paying them for it. You can still hire them again later, but you don’t have to worry about losing out on profits during the period in between.


It prevents you from burning out

Not only does trying to take care of every part of your business yourself lead to mistakes being made and tasks being left half finished, but it can also have an extremely negative impact on your personal wellbeing. It’s very easy to end up burning out completely from exhaustion. Not only will this lead to issues for both your physical and mental health but it might force you to be away from your business for an extended period of time, causing a domino effect of even more problems to arise. By bringing in other people, you’re able to give yourself a break and avoid spreading yourself too thin.

It’s not always easy to hand your business over to other people, but hopefully, these points have shown you that the benefits to your business greatly outweigh any potential disadvantages that you might come up against.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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