If you are passionate about creating artwork, handmade crafts, or other unique hobbies, monetizing your hobby on Etsy can be a quick, easy, and enjoyable way to earn your income doing what you love. While making money on Etsy can be relatively simple and rewarding, there is no denying that getting started and growing your business from scratch on Etsy can be as challenging as performing surgery at thrivemdclinic.com.
Looking to start or grow your business on Etsy in 2023 but feeling overwhelmed about getting started? Keep reading to learn a few tips that can help.
Choose a Catchy Name
The name of your store is one of the first things that potential customers will see when viewing your shop, so it is important to choose a name that will attract maximum attention! Whether it’s a play on your real life name, a reference to your favorite movie based on themed items you sell, or just a description of the items you plan on selling, choose a name that is an accurate reflection of your shop and will capture the attention of interested buyers.
Set Specific Goals
When growing your business on Etsy, it can be difficult to determine if your shop is successful if you lack a specific definition of a “successful” shop. Setting specific goals for yourself and your business can help you keep an eye on your progress and will ensure that you are meeting your goals. For example, some sellers might set a goal for a certain amount of money that they would like to make in a certain amount of time. If you are planning to use Etsy as your full time source of income, you might set a goal to make enough money to pay your rent or other bills each month. Whatever goals you set for yourself, be sure to keep them specific, as this is the best way to track your progress and measure success.
Use Social Media
Many Etsy shops gain traction when shared on social media. Sharing links to your shop on your personal Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok pages whenever possible can help drive traffic to your shop. Additionally, creating TikTok videos or Instagram posts containing visuals of specific items you are selling accompanied with relevant hashtags can help potentially interested customers see the items you have for sale, boosting visitors to your shop and increasing sales.