Graduating Your Business

It’s one of those milestones in the business world, moving your office from your home to actual premises. While starting out at home is a financially great idea, this changes over time. Business growth is a wonderful thing, but it can easily encroach on your family life. Graduating your business from your house to office space is a big expense, we won’t lie about that, but it’s one that will pay for itself if it means you can have space to entertain business clients and expand.


If you are planning on expanding your staff in the near future, you’re going to need premises big enough for your business plans. So, for now, your spare room has done its job. There are benefits to either renting or buying business premises, and you need to know how to move into a new office and what you need to remember.

  1. Choosing Where: Your office needs an impressive address, but you need to work out your budget first. Don’t be too fussy about how it looks first off, as you can spend time renovating it to look exactly how you want it to. What you need to remember is the location needs to be somewhere that your clients and customers can get to, and how it meets your requirements as a business.
  2. Planning: Before you move, get to know the local area. Find great office cleaning services that you can hire to keep your office looking fantastic. You need to measure up the office and contact office furniture companies for your desk and ergonomic furniture requirements. Look into security companies should you need them.
  3. Equipment: Office equipment goes beyond the ergonomic chairs, it’s also the electronics your office needs. Again, this will come down to budget but you need to invest in the best technology for your business. Your furniture suppliers may take some time to deliver so make sure that you order with more than enough time to spare for delivery.
  4. Packing: Moving from a spare room to an office doesn’t mean you will be packing light, depending on how long you’ve been working from home. You will need to hire a professional moving company, especially if you have filing cabinets of sensitive information. Make sure you write a full inventory of everything you are moving so you can account for everything at the new office.
  5. Setting Up: Once you actually get into your new office, you’ll need to go live. This isn’t just your website, but your phone lines and internet. All of these need to be set up so that they have the least interruption to your business practices. In the two to three months before you actually move, send out information to your clients so they know your new business telephone number and address, and have them well informed on your moving date.

Your office move is a big deal and one of the steps you will take to further your company. Make it top of your priority list and you won’t miss!

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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