Five Projects Your Company can Outsource for Less

Outsourcing is an excellent way to control costs, increase efficiency, and focus on your core business areas. However, outsourcing doesn’t have to be a permanent solution. Below explains five particular projects that your company can temporarily outsource for less.

Outsourcing payroll is something more and more companies are doing, but outsourcing taxes are an annual project best left to accounting professionals. Small business owners and even their certified accountants can’t compare with a professional tax accountant who is familiar with the complex world of IRS tax regulations. Keep in mind that a tax accountant will be able to maximize deductions, write off, and your overall return amount. Tax accountants are also up to date with the IRS’s changing tax regulations. It’s an investment in outsourcing worth the cost.

In-house marketing is actually often counterproductive due to internal office politics and the fact that employees are simply too close to the product or service and will view the product or service differently from consumers. Having an outside perspective of a product or service is critical for proper presentation to the public. Advertising and marketing is many times best left to the external professionals.

While most maintenance departments work hard to keep companies running, taking on a major maintenance project is something best outsourced to a construction company. Maintenance departments are notoriously under-staffed and as a result, projects always add stress to maintenance who are already struggling with multiple smaller projects. Not only will the third-party company have the specific technical knowledge and skills, they will be financially responsible to finish the project on time.

IT Upgrades

Any major IT system upgrade is a complex project that needs outside IT professionals. System upgrades can very expensive and time consuming in installing, but must be completed following strict deadlines because any company that is offline is basically closed for business. Outside IT services like Bedrock managed services in Ottawa like will have the critical experience and expertise to ensure a quality and timely upgrade. Companies like these will also be able to train internal IT staff and save future costs associated with IT troubleshooting and repairs.

While any medium or large company needs full-time HR professionals, small companies can simply outsource to a staffing agency. HR experts estimate that advertising, screening, and hiring an employee can cost thousands of dollars, so it makes sense to simplify by using a staffing agency to meet any occasional or temporary staffing needs.

Your company can save time and money through outsourcing specific projects like taxes, advertising, maintenance, IT, and staffing.

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