7 Ways To Be Organised When Running A Business

In a business, time equals money and any time that is wasted is money that is not earned. It’s for this reason that business owners have to be impeccably organised in everything that they do, from running the business itself to managing the people within it. So, whether you’ve just figured out how to start a subscription box business, or you’re well into your journey as a marketing boss; taking the right steps to stay organised within your company can go a long way to ensure that employee productivity and motivation is high. Taking the right steps to stay organised within your company can go a long way to ensure that employee productivity and motivation is high. Organisation is a key skill that every business owner should acquire. Not only will it help you achieve success, it will help you stay on top of every aspect of your company as it grows. Being organised in everyday life helps us to keep a clear head and think clearly and this is no different in business. Staying in tune with goals that have been set is an integral part of keeping everything in order and you’ll notice that working in an environment that is chaotic can slow things down.

There are plenty of ways that your business can stay organised, but that will come down to you and the way you run it as a business owner. If you are proactive in the running of your business, you can achieve great success. We’ve put together seven tips to help you achieve the smooth-running business that you deserve.

Structure The Day. Even as a business owner, flitting from department to department in your company can get confusing. You need to have a clear structure for your own day – or week, if you like to plan ahead. Learn how to create a work schedule for yourself as well as for your employees. You cannot expect the people who work for you to be able to keep themselves organised, if you aren’t. Set clear, smaller goals that can be easily achieved by your set finish times. Give yourself time to work, but make sure you have regular breaks to keep you focused.

Lists, Lists, Lists. You don’t need to have hundreds of notepads laying around on your desk, making everything cluttered and messy. However, lists can be integral to the way you prioritise what needs to be done. Running a business is no easy feat and you need to feel the achievement that comes with ticking things off as you go. There are lots of list apps like this one if you prefer to have all your lists electronic, thus keeping a clearer desk!

Share Calendars. When you run a business, you need to be able to coordinate with other members of the management team as well as department team leaders. By having a shared calendar, you can coordinate schedules, invite to meetings and update everyone at the same time. This cuts the time you would waste informing people of where to be and at what time, as employee scheduling gives easy access for everyone in the office.

Work Space Woes. Having a desk that is overly busy can cause a lot of workplace stress. You can read here about how a cluttered workspace can impact your working ethic and you need to restore order to the area as soon as is possible. Cull everything on your desk and in the drawers ruthlessly. If you don’t need it in the near future, you don’t need it. Adopt a proper filing system and if it doesn’t serve you in your day to day work, you need to get rid of it. There’s nothing worse than trying to find a piece of important paperwork and having to sift through piles of other paperwork to get to it. Working in a lean capacity to stop wasting time in the workplace is going to cut down the time you spend cleaning and give you the time to actually get on with work. Destress, declutter, enjoy.

Electronic Clear Out. Getting organised is so much more than sorting out your desk and making lists. We live in a digital world, which means you’ll need to use apps to organise staff and organise your emails, too. We’ve all been at the receiving end of spam emails and when you’ve spent time away from work, whether for business or vacation, you will come back to emails that you need to sift through. Organise your email inbox into separate folders and use these tips to set up filtering so that your emails go automatically into the correct files and don’t clutter the main inbox. Unsubscribe to any newsletters or spam emails that you can to minimise inbox junk.

Speak Up. Staying organised in a business is more than all the tips above. You have to be able to keep people up to date on business changes that could affect them, from the way they’re paid to the way you manage their responsibilities. Communication is so key for a business owner, and if you can communicate effectively with your staff, you can really manage them properly.

Pay Up. Suppliers, freelancers and clients of all levels need to be paid on time – there’s nothing worse than having people chase you for payments you have yet to make. Keep an alarm if you must, but you need to ensure you stay on top of your finances. Losing good suppliers and good staff is not the way to stay organised – it will mean less time is taken up, but it won’t help your business! If you can’t manage the pressures of financial management, use an independent accountancy to help you out. This way, you can guarantee that payments are made and you stay on top of your game.

Being organised is the most important thing for any business owner. Running a company, growing it from nothing and watching it flourish will depend entirely on you and for this, you need to have impeccable organisational skills. Once you’ve managed to get on top of organising yourself and your employees, you will have nothing in your way but it is a skill that you need to acquire as soon as possible!  

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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  1. Hi Dequiana,

    These kind of practical ways to organize ourselves could have come from a CEO only. I can see it as culmination of your past experiences. Many thanks!
    Adam Sharpley´s last blog post ..Is Roofing Warranty Going to Cover the Roof’s Lifespan?

  2. Well-written post .To get the massive growth , you should make sure your business is organized.

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