7 Confidence Boosting Strategies for the Perfect Presentation

In today’s times, learning the art of standing up in front of an audience and relaying a speech is an important soft skill. Every graduate looking to develop a repertoire of talents and skills to add to her resume will make sure to train in the skills of giving the perfect presentation. Interestingly, giving talks is a skill that you’ll need at every stage in your career even after you’ve climbed to the higher rungs of the sphere where you work. And, one of the first lessons of any soft skills course is that the key to a perfect presentation is to deliver it with confidence.

Learn How to Give the Perfect Presentation – With Confidence

It is understandable that when you have a lot riding on how the audience will receive your ideas, nervousness is inevitable. You could be an entrepreneur looking to raise finances or a sales rep trying to sell a new range of products. Or, you may be a company employee attempting to convince the company execs that you’re the best candidate for the upcoming project. The self-assurance you portray will help convince the people listening to you better.

Read ahead for some practical confidence-developing tips you can use.

1. Practice the Presentation Thoroughly

Preparing the talk well will give you the confidence to deliver it confidently. Make sure you know every little detail of the concepts and how it is relevant to your audience. Build a connection between the ideas you’re pitching with the needs and thought processes of the people listening. Each person is going to be thinking – “How will this benefit me?” Your talk must provide the answers they’re looking for.

Rehearse the speech complete with the slides and PowerPoint media you’ve planned in front of a live audience of friends and family and look for honest feedback. You could also consider video recording to know which nuances to work on such as voice inflections, tone, gestures, and strategic pauses. Here’s an interesting tip. When asked a question you don’t know the answer to, it is advisable to admit ignorance and promise to get back with a response. Don’t make false claims that may be difficult to verify later.

2. Have a Clear Understanding of the Setting for the Presentation

If you’re giving the speech in unfamiliar territory, arrive early and take a look around the presentation room. Familiarize yourself with the setting of the dais, the placement of the chairs and lighting of the room. Set up your electronics and paperwork so they are easily accessible. Test equipment for functionality and plan some of your moves. Play out the entire presentation in your mind. Go over each section step-by-step along with the displayed slides. Having a visualization of the sequence in which the talk will progress will add to your confidence.

3. The Perfect Presentation Begins Outside the Conference Room

Try to get hold of the list of attendees for the conference. Find out everything you can about them to develop the confidence about meeting them in person. By arriving a few minutes early, you can be present to welcome them and introduce yourself. Smile a lot, add some light banter and talk about the weather – all of these strategies can help you create a connection with them. It will also ease some of the nervousness you’re feeling. If you need additional help, consider asking an executive coaching professional for guidance.

4. Begin with a Story and Start a Conversation

The first few seconds dictate the success of the perfect presentation. Catch the attention of the audience by relating a story or continue on the note of some issue you were discussing with one of the attendees. Encourage her to respond and have other join in. Turn the speech into a conversation peppered with humor and everyone pitching in to let you know what they think. This strategy has more positives than one. You’re not talking AT them; they’ll ask questions and relay their misgivings about the concepts. And, you can answer their doubts and win them over.

5. Keep Your Talk Concise

The point behind a presentation is to introduce a new concept. Touch upon the main points of the idea and ensure that you take only the allotted time to get the point across. Talk slowly making sure everyone understands what you’re saying. Cue cards help you stay on track but don’t rely on them too much. Instead, read the room and judge the audience’s interest with their body language. If you get stuck, stop to drink a little water and use the time to collect your thoughts. Take deep breaths if you feel the panic rising and instantly, you’ll calm down.

6. Choose the Best Confidence-Building Attire You can Find

Choose your outfit for the perfect presentation carefully. Do a complete dress rehearsal the evening before to make sure the clothes fit you well and allow you to move easily. Check each item of clothing carefully for missing buttons, loose seams, and strands of thread out of place. Make sure the colors are muted and avoid eye-catching jewelry completely. Ladies, any undue skin show is in bad taste so check you from every angle. Pick out low-heeled shoes to prevent any ungainly stumbling and since that you’re going to be walking around a lot; you can’t let your feet tire.

7. Pay Attention to Personal Grooming

Take care to groom yourself perfectly. Shower and shave and wear deodorant to keep body odor at bay. If you intend to wear perfume, make sure it is subtle and does not overpower the room when you walk in. Men might want to sport the clean-shaven look while women wearing skirts might want to shave legs and wear pantyhose. If giving presentations is something you do regularly, consider getting permanent hair removal so you can dispense with the need for frequent salon trips. Looking good is a great confidence-building strategy and works beautifully to deliver the perfect presentation.
Presenting a talk to an audience may seem like a scary task. But, with some careful preparation and lots of practice, you can make a success of it. Just keep in mind that the people sitting in front of you are human too. And, if they’re taking an hour or two out of their busy schedules to attend the meeting, they’re interested in you and what you have to say. All you need to do now is to make that time worthwhile.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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