5 Tips for Designing Your Business’s Website

A website is integral to your business’s growth and success. Your website needs to be accessible and easy to use so people want to interact with it and gain a favorable opinion of your brand. Here are five tips for designing your business’s website.

5 Tips for Designing Your Business's Website

1. Design According To Your Industry

While you want your website to be distinct and unique to your brand, you also want to make sure it’s recognizable as a website for your industry. For example, a law firm web design is likely to differ significantly from the web design utilized by a construction company because those two organizations are providing two different types of services. Likewise, a bookstore’s website will differ from both law firm and construction company websites because it’s selling products rather than services.

2. Commit To High-quality Communication And Content

Your website needs to be able to successfully impart information to your customers. This means you need to put a large amount of focus on what content you include and make sure there are multiple communication methods available to customers. Your content must be engaging, succinct and scannable. Include contact information for your business on a dedicated contact page and somewhere on your home page. It’s a good idea to also include links to your contact page or truncated contact information on your webpage headers and footers for consistent availability.

3. Incorporate Basic Web Design Appropriately

Pay attention to the tentpoles of web design: white space, font usage and color theory. You want your website to be pleasing to the eye, clean and sharp. You should include plenty of white space and crisp, well-composed images. All of the color choices should be complementary and consistent with your brand. Choose fonts that are easy to read on screens and make sure font colors are compatible with your background colors and other color choices.

4. Utilize Responsive Design

Every modern website should utilize responsive design. Responsive design is a type of web design that ensures websites recognize when they’re being viewed on screens with different sizes and resolutions and are able to adjust accordingly. When a website’s code is based in responsive design, that website is going to be far more accessible to users and will provide them with a more consistently positive browsing experience. Not only can responsive design adjust webpage size and resolution, it also automatically modifies the structures of pages to be accessible for smartphones.

5. Focus on Navigation

When designing your business’s website, you should ensure navigation is simple and easy. Customers typically want to use business websites for specific purposes and don’t want to spend much time seeking out the information they need. If a website is confusing or difficult to navigate, users are likely to turn to other, more easily navigable sites instead.

Make sure your website makes sense for your business’s type and size. It should incorporate your branding and be easy for users to navigate without being overwhelming. You want users to be able to navigate through your site to find what they want and need.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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  1. An amazing post with great tips as always. Anyone will find your post useful. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you for sharing these tips!

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