4 Small Business Twitter Etiquette Tips

Many small business owners have Twitter accounts but aren’t completely sure what to do with them. If you’re trying to jumpstart your Twitter efforts, it’s important to know the ins and outs of Twitter etiquette. Ultimately, you want to attract as many followers to your Twitter page as possible. So, you should try your absolute hardest to avoid saying anything on Twitter that will deter people from following you. Here are some tips to help you make sure that you always tweet appropriately:


1. Avoid tweeting more than four times a day.

People aren’t necessarily interested in hearing about every single product you launch on your website or every single minor change you make to your business. Generally, one or two tweets a day is sufficient to keep your followers informed of what’s going on with your business.


2. Try not to overuse hashtags.

Hashtags are useful, but they shouldn’t be overused. Try to find one or two relevant hashtags to use in each of your tweets. Twitter users often associate the excessive use of hashtags with spammers and inexperienced Tweeters.


3. Let customers know what you’re doing for them.

It’s perfectly acceptable to Tweet about your new hires and your new products. However, you should also tweet about deals and why your products and/or services are beneficial to customers. A tweet about a $50 coupon will interest your followers a lot more than a tweet about your new office copy machine.


4. Reply to your followers’ tweets.

Your followers will appreciate if you take an active interest in what they’re tweeting about. If you reply to their tweets, you’ll be able to begin to establish relationships with them. Twitter is a vehicle for establishing meaningful relationships with your customers. And remember that establishing relationships with your customers is one of the most important ways to get your business to succeed!

Author’s Bio: Carolyn is a guest post writer on the subjects of social media marketing, cash flow management, and Big Commerce for your small business.


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Entrepreneur-Resources.net is happy to provide guest posting opportunities for small business owners. This article was created by one of our contributors.

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  1. Dequiana, you bring up some points that I strongly agree with such as  not over using hashtags. I think it’s also important to note when using hashtags the tag it self should be unique so that it can be easily tracked. I also agree that offering coupons and other incentives will keep followers interest. Also, twitter allows for a chance to offer polls or ask questions to followers get instant “real-time” feedback. Tweeting inspirational quotes, asking trivia questions, interesting fact about your products or industry etc will also get followers attention. I also agree that replying to followers tweets is a great way to engage and build relationships. Also RTing followers tweets to your followers aids with engagement practices. I disagree with the first tip “avoid tweeting more than four times a day”, because your followers are on the internet at different times throughout the day. With that being said tweeting only four times a day about your offerings leaves a lot of people out (esp. the larger your following). I believe that one needs to be creative and figure out ways to rephrase their offerings throughout the day. For tips on how to do so their’s a great article by @MorganBarnhart  “How to Tweet the Same Information without Looking Spammy” ~> 
    http://basicblogtips.com/how-to-use-twitter.html.  Social media is a conversation so have fun with it and most importantly be social 🙂 My personal rule of thumb for tweeting about about your own products or services is you should be tweeting 80% about things that will engage your customers (i.e, askinq questions, having contests, trivia, replying & RTing, sharing facts, offering discounts, etc). The other 20% should be spent sharing your product/ service offerings and things that are directly  related you tour business. So basically for every 10 tweets only 2 of them should be about your products/services. I think that small business owners should blast their message tastefully. Great post!
    Ashley Neal

    • Hi Ashley,

      Thanks so much for your comment! You’re right about creating unique hashtags. If someone uses a generic tag like #business, it won’t necessarily get tracked back to that entrepreneur.

      You make a good point about tweeting more than 4x a day. I think it only makes sense if there is variety and good content – quotes, retweets, etc. Even then, I don’t think people should overdo it. Tweets can start to look spammy if you’re posting 1x an hour every single day with repetitive offers. That article you posted is a great resource to combat that.

      Thanks again!

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