As a business owner, you sometimes quickly realize what does and doesn’t work, and that can have an impact on your long-term business success. After all, you don’t want your revenue, customer satisfaction and employee retention to suffer. When it comes to a merchant service provider, things may not always appear so black and white— there is often a gray zone that is hardly noticed. For example, could you be able to tell if you are being charged for hidden merchant services fees?
To find that out, you’d have to see if your merchant statement includes any of the following: an invalid TIN or TFN, an equipment lease charge, a non-PCI fee, a “one size fits all” rate or cost, high chargeback volume, holding funds & delayed deposits, a batch or settlement fee, or non-qualifying transactions. If one truth were true for merchant service providers, it’s that they are not all equal! Some are beneficial, while others do more harm than they are worth.
Targeted Merchant Solutions is all about transparency and giving your business all of the right merchant service tools to expand and succeed. It means not having any hidden fees, being charged outrageous transaction rates or paying an arm and a leg for merchant equipment. It’s that simple—and that perfect.