Do These Things To Create A Safety Plan For Yourself At Work

Having a safety plan does not mean you are always living in fear or preparing for the worst. A safety plan is a resource you can use to feel empowered. When you know what to do, you feel more confident when doing it. This confidence, in turn, results in strategic action when you need it most. Read on for some helpful tips on how to create a safety plan for yourself at work.

Do These Things To Create A Safety Plan For Yourself At Work
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Keep Your Resources Stocked

Part of a safety plan consists of having the necessary resources at hand in case you are unable to get home due to a natural disaster or other occurrences. One easy way to approach the task of gathering your resources is to think about what you already have in your home and car emergency kits and create redundancies for the workplace. 

You will probably need additional items for the office as you will not have your personal items at work. Additionally, some scenarios at work may not occur at home. Check out helpful resources at to find other solutions and items you may wish to add to your safety kit.

Watch this video for an easy-to-follow Office Preparedness Kit creation guide.

Be Mindful if You Travel for Work

If your job requires you to visit different locations, it is all too common for people to let safety plans fly out the proverbial window. When you are away from the office and home, you may tend to let your guard down and kick back more than usual. While it is important to take a break every now and then, you still need to be aware of your surroundings and safety options as problems do not wait for a time convenient for you to arise. Instead, you need to be ready.

Consider these key points when you are visiting a satellite office or new building for work.

  • Know Your Exit Strategies

Think about every plane trip you have ever taken. The flight crew goes over safety instructions every single time. They do not do this to waste your time or bore you. They conduct their required and necessary safety tutorials because accidents do happen. 

If you take a few moments on a plane or in a new office to pay attention, it will help you if something happens. Office maps are located on every floor. Take a quick picture of it with your smartphone. Note the location of exits besides the elevator.

  • Find Safe Rooms

Should you be visiting an office where tornadoes occur with greater frequency than you are accustomed to at your home office location, you should locate a safe space in a basement where you can shelter during a storm. 

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A little preparation will go a long way to ensuring a calm and safe response to any safety situation at work. Take time today to learn your employer’s safety protocol. Check these items off of your list and then replace them as needed. You will be glad you did if you ever need them.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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