Create A Employee-Focused Workplace

What does it mean to put your employees first? 

For many companies, employee-focused strategies are expensive perks. While there is no denying that investing in your employees plays a crucial role in your team’s wellbeing and happiness, there is more to employees’ strategy than meets the eye. Here are essential ideas to help you make your employees’ wellbeing a priority of the workplace strategy and design. 

Create A Employee-Focused Workplace
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Bring nature into the office

According to research, natural light is by far one of the most desirables perks. Therefore, employees will prefer an office that contributes to natural light exposure through windows, open spaces, and smart light solutions. 

Potted plants are also a crucial addition to the office decor. Indeed, the presence of greenery can serve a double purpose. Firstly, plants release oxygen, which helps refresh the indoor air and support productivity. Secondly, plants also have a soothing effect on the brain, helping workers feel more relaxed. 

Create training programs

Employees seek roles that can help them grow and acquire new skills. Therefore, many will consider leaving a company that lacks to provide professional paths for growth. It can be tricky to create a training strategy that fits the budget and mission of the business. If you have a large team, it can be a good idea to invite professional trainers and coaches to your site and build a dedicated space for learning, including classroom stools and a projector. Smaller teams may prefer online training options or sending their employees on training days instead.

Research has shown that, in some cases, employees value opportunities for growth more than salary. And they will likely leave your organization if you don’t offer training opportunities that meet their needs. For this reason, it is essential to tailor your employee training program. For instance, you can offer Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certification training if your staff are interested in programs to develop managerial and team-leading abilities.

Normalize breaks

There is no such thing as working 8 or 10 hours a day straight. Everybody needs breaks during the day. According to experts, your employees should take a break every two hours to get away from the screen. More often than not, workers remain at their desks all day. Therefore, it can be helpful to introduce a break culture so that employees feel safe when they step away from their desks. You can turn the communal area into a friendly break room with a board game corner or a simple selection of delicious snacks and beverages. Breaks are necessary for many reasons:

  • They encourage employees to recharge their batteries
  • They contribute to better teambuilding
  • They reduce stress levels
  • They develop productivity and creativity
Focus on your employees at work
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Mistakes are okay

Mistakes happen. A software bug could affect your clients. A mishap could delay invoice payments. An employee could have accidentally given the wrong information. Ultimately, people are prone to make mistakes when they are tired, rushed, stressed, or simply trying to deal with a new task. However, mistakes are also part of the normal learning process. Therefore, it’s essential for businesses to acknowledge mistakes as a lesson rather than an opportunity to blame someone. When an innocent error is met with employment termination, your employees worry that the company lacks understanding, compassion, and basic humanity. 

Employees choose to stay with a company for a variety of reasons. It makes no doubt that wages do play a significant role. However, a company that pays well but fails to support its employees is unlikely to support in the long term. Your employees are your most important asset. Put them first to grow.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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