Combining Time Clock And Security Badges

Combining security badges with time cards allow every employee in the facility to keep track of their time while being admitted to the building. Many companies use more than one system to manage these items, and these two systems can be combined in just one place. The employee will have a security badge that gets them into certain parts of the building, and the employee will have a card that works with the time clock system the business uses. When employees are given these cards, the procedures in the building are simplified massively.

The Time Clock Badges

The time clock system for a business is the lifeblood of every employee. The employees need to have a simple way to rack their hours, and these time cards are filled with more technology than people imagine. The time clock card has a chip that can be scanned or swiped to make sure that the employee is timed in or out at the precise moment they swipe. There will never be an approximation, and the employees will get paid fairly during every pay period. Also, the time card is made from the strong plastic that is used for ID cards. This strong material is difficult to break, hard to lose and easy to care for.

The ID Card Side

The other side of the card can be fitted with the name of the employee, their employee ID number and their picture. These security cards can be fitted with a chip that allows people to swipe into certain parts of the building, or these security cards can carry stripes that allow the employee to swipe the card.

These cards are designed to make the security entry to the building exclusive. Security teams can change the security clearance for a card at any time, and the new cards can be made in a printer when one is lost.

The security and time cards that businesses use make it easier for the security staff to do their jobs, and the security teams get the assurance that their security system is completely under their control. When these cards are in use, the business is more efficient and safe.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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