Eight Key Reasons to Implement a Manufacturing CRM

When dealing with strained IT budgets, you need to determine what provides you the most value as well as the best return on investment (ROI). A manufacturing company needs customer relationship management (CRM) software just as much as any other type of business. Your sales depend on customer service. You may already use an ERP to monitor and maintain the core elements of your manufacturing, but you need to integrate a manufacturing CRM.

Eight Key Reasons to Implement a Manufacturing CRM

You may already use an ERP to monitor and maintain the core elements of your manufacturing, but you need to integrate a manufacturing CRM for the best results. You can function with an ERP’s end-to-end management, but you can flourish with a CRM’s end-to-end-to-end.

How does that happen? You will experience the seven benefits of implementing a manufacturing CRM. Putting the information, you obtain into practice develops your customer view and allows you to implement key changes that improve your product and its delivery to clients.

  • better sales pipeline visibility that lets you examine points within your sales funnel to determine to make or break points of the sales process,
  • a big picture view of existing customers, euphemistically referred to as the 360-degree customer view, that provides customer data in relation to each department, streamlining interaction between departments and customers,
  • the resulting customer service improvements from points one and two let you provide consistent customer satisfaction by quickly accessing information and integrating customer case management,
  • happy customers recommend you to other potential customers, so your process generates better quality leads that are more likely to convert to sales,
  • combining customer and order data nets you better sales forecasts and projections,
  • production planning improvements also increase since you hone your accurate estimate of necessary inventory,
  • improved budgeting occurs as an outgrowth of the improved products planning,
  • the resulting increase in sales pays for the investment in the CRM, plus increases your bottom line.

Your CRM combines multiple data streams into one essential data lake so you can pull far-flung pieces of information into one customer portrait. You can easily examine each customer as a whole or your customer base overall. This lets you improve service and address product needs of each individual customer and the customer base as a whole. Cobbling together spreadsheets and notes with documents from various systems does not serve your business as well as implementing a CRM. The CRM generates reports that include data from all sources and help create integrated profiles of what you need to do to improve your company. You can easily integrate most modern ERPs with a CRM to share data so you do not have to re-enter information into the new system.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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