Don’t Want to Hurt Your Profits? Read This.

Profits aren’t the only thing you should be chasing in the world of business. But if your profit game isn’t strong, then your company could find itself in serious trouble.


Don’t work with lousy external services

Businesses are outsourcing more and more these days. And that’s not a bad thing. Well, it’s not a bad thing in itself, anyway. It becomes a bad thing when your company are using the services of outsourcers who simply aren’t very good. You’re not only sinking money into this service; you’re getting poor work from it. And that poor work isn’t going to help you increase profits. Customers care about quality. And while we’re talking about external services, you should also remember your service providers. Your ISP, for example. If your network is slow and doesn’t allow for much data, then it’s a waste of money.



Get legal protection for your work

People can hate on trademark and intellectual property laws all they like. Here’s how the business world works: you have an idea, you develop that idea, and that idea ends up making you money. If someone is legally able to take that idea and use it for their own benefit, then profit that should be going to you goes to them instead. That’s why you need to protect your ideas. Inventions should be covered by patents. Things that build your brand identity can be protected with trademarks. Attorneys like Xavier Morales can help you with trademarking.


Make sure your finance people know what they’re doing

You know what’s really going to hurt your profits? Hiring financial controllers that can, y’know, barely control finances. The employees who handle the money and deal with payments need to be at the top of their game. You need to be very careful when hiring your financial management staff. You also need to make sure they have the tools they need to do their jobs well. The right software, for example, can make all the difference.




Increase your accepted methods of payment

There seems to be more ways to pay than ever right now. It’s no longer as simple as cash or card. (That being said, there are still businesses out there who are having trouble accepting one of those!) But there’s also contactless to consider, as well as other payment methods like cheques. The more methods you accept, the more customers you make yourself accessible to.



Don’t let customers pay you too late

The business world is often painted as cruel and heartless. This view doesn’t quite gel with how many businesses get into financial trouble because they let their customers pay them too late! There’s definitely room for allowing customers to delay payments. After all, most of us know what it’s like to fall on hard times, and we want to help customers who are in that place. But customers and clients who take too long to pay can contribute to the financial troubles of your company. You need to be very careful with how you go about this. And if it gets too late, you need to be prepared to handle it.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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