5 Tips For Managing Waste At Work

If you’re in the mood to start looking at going green for your business, one of the best things that you can do is to go beyond recycling and start looking at sustainable waste management. You want to improve your business eco-friendliness, and a part of that is looking at how you use and distribute your waste. Reducing your greenhouse gas emissions and lowering your operation costs are the most important things to do in your day to day, and it should show you how you are using your waste if you make it a priority.

Before you do anything, you should think about conducting a waste audit. You’re going to b e able to gather some data and feel as if you are implementing the right waste management practices. From using environmental remediation companies to improving your recycling abilities, you’re going to do so much more with your waste management when you put it to the top of the priority list. Let’s take a look at five of the best tips for managing waste in your workplace.

5 Tips For Managing Waste At Work
Image Source: Pexels
  1. Calm down on the paper and ink. If you want to do more for the environment, you need to think about reducing your paper and ink usage. Going paperless in favor of a more digital outlay is smart, and you’ll reduce how much you spend on ink when you do this, too. You’ll cut down on printing, cut down on ink and you’ll be able to use alternatives to paper that just make sense. 
  2. Reuse where you can. In your business, you can work on reusing where possible, and it’ll be things like buying crockery and cutlery instead of having disposables. You can offer your workers reusable bottles with your company logo on them, too, and you can make everything in your business more sustainable, too. Any leftover foods that you have in your business can be given to local shelters and you can ensure that reusing is important
  3. Up your game with recycling. If you can, start recycling better and add more recycling bins. You’ll save energy, keep as much material as possible out of landfill and you’ll improve the raw materials for creating new products, too. There are plenty of green options for waste management for your recyclables, and extra bins for glassware, paper and card are necessary for your business.
  4. Get a compost bin. If you want to do more for the environment, think about adding a compost bin to the lunch canteen or the kitchen. You can get everyone to scrape their scraps and keep the fruit flies away as a result. There is a lot that can be composted, and the compost pile can be used in the office garden or taken to a community garden, too. There are even companies that will come and do a composting service. 
  5. Invest where possible. If there are options for you to improve your environmental health, invest where possible and make a point of getting to know your office environment properly.
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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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One comment

  1. When it comes to managing waste at work, I think these are some solid tips to keep in mind. There’s so much as being too mindful about waste and how it can impact your workplace and your ability to complete tasks.

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