3 Changes Tech Brings to HR

Most people tend to fear change unless there is solid evidence that reveals the benefits associated with the adjustments. In areas of technology, there have been so many improvements in such a short time that there is a growing fear of a robotic takeover. As some manufacturing jobs have been lost to machines operated by artificial intelligence and data analytics have moved to software-based agents, there are those that fear man will be replaced by the machine. However, in the great landscape of business technology, the benefits of merging high-powered machines with human operations are a more accurate and efficient operation across industries. One specific area of importance is the revolutionary approach that technology brings to human resource departments.

The General Purpose of HR

A poorly run HR department can get in the way of a business that runs well and enjoy high employee morale. The HR staff is responsible for sourcing new talent, onboarding them into the corporate culture and their individual tasks, presenting and processing benefit plans, and analyzing performance issues. Though HR professionals tend to be the experts in these areas, the amount of paperwork and attention to detail can be overwhelming, presenting challenges for fiduciary liability, risk management processes, and wise management of company resources. Incorporating human resource technology by way of operational software and metrics analysis can minimize potential problems and maximize the benefits associated with an HR department. There are several reasons for singing the praises of business tech in human resources.

Changing the Face of Recruiting

In times past, job seekers plagued the hiring office with repeated phone calls, multiple resume submissions through inquiry letters, and drop-in visits to check on their application status. The 21st century has changed recruiting through the use of the internet and email. Job postings can be done entirely online through the company’s parent website or through third-party head hunters and employment sites. Online applications can be tracked electronically, with many companies relying on AI functions to scan through information for keywords or experience levels that identify potentially promising candidates. This free up a lot the time that HR personnel would put into reading cover letters, resumes, and starting a file While it beneficial to the company doing the hiring, it can be difficult for the qualified job seeker to stand out and make it through the application process.

Changing Communication Options

Using email, messaging, and texts have changed the face of communication for companies around the globe. Departmental memos are sent in a flash, with attachments sharing key documents simultaneously. Employees can communicate with their coworkers or leadership team without needing to be physically present for a meeting, as video chatting and live stream options have taken over conference rooms. There are more ways to connect with remote workers in real-time, improving the accuracy of the information needed for decision-making. Employees can be sent paperwork without delay, with many programs providing digital signature options to improve process efficiency.

Changing Data Collection

Perhaps the biggest change in HR that technology brings is data analysis opportunity. When employee activities are being tracked through performance management or operational software, it becomes easier for HR departments to analyze employee performance. Access to big picture metrics, as well as more individually-based data, gives HR personnel insight into employees that are underperforming, tasks where further training is needed, or if appraisals are inconsistent. Software has taken much of the burden off of HR for employee evaluations.

Even with these benefits, HR functions can never be solely left to a machine. Employees rely on the human element of HR for voicing concerns or reporting workplace concerns. By allowing business tech services to improve your HR efficiency, you open up new doors for strong employee morale and productivity.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog, Entrepreneur-Resources.net.

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