How to Improve Your Relationship With Your Employees

Keeping your employees happy is a big thing in any company. They are the driving force behind anything you do, so making sure that they actually feel like they want to work for you can add a lot when it comes to their loyalty and productivity.

One way to make sure they’re happy working for your brand is to make sure they don’t feel like their boss is an overlord watching over them. Rather, you want to make them feel like they have a friend who they can come to with extra ideas, can treat them with respect and talk to them about issues that aren’t only about the workplace. A good boss can do all of that while still keeping the workplace as the number one priority and up the office productivity. Let’s check out the numerous ways you can help your employees be happy and improve your relationships with them.become-the-boss-smlTreat Them Well

Treating your employees well by making sure they are a part of the team is important. By responding to all of their ideas and emails, you can give them a huge boost of satisfaction and feeling of presence in the office. Your employees will feel like their decisions and ideas matter, and not like they’re only there to do work and listen to your commands. Not to mention that the feeling that you aren’t their supervisor but rather a friend or colleague can help a lot with the mentality and general positive energy of a workplace.


Pay Them on Time

By paying your employees on time you can make them feel like you actually enjoy working with them. Workers that don’t get paid on time will generally feel like they aren’t being rewarded and that their work isn’t contributing much to the office. One way that you can ensure that your employees get paid on time is by using free pay stubs to generate professional documents with ease. These can then be handed to your finance department who can then pay your employees their wages.


Keep Your Doors Open

By having an open door policy, you will appear a lot less intimidating to people. You’ll be more approachable and you will seem a lot more open to ideas that your employees can bring to you, or they can help you with important business decisions by making a quick meeting inside your office. You will also seem like a much more open person which can help with general life problems, such as family issues or problems in the workplace that are caused by other employees.


Show an Interest in Their Life

While there should some separation, showing some interest in their life outside of work can be very helpful for your relationship. By showing an interest in their life, you can seem like a friend that will help them with their concerns but there is a line to draw before it gets too personal. As long as you aren’t too pushy with your questions and offers for help, it’s a fantastic way to get to know your employees.

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About Dequiana Jackson

Dequiana Jackson, Founder of Inspired Marketing, Inc., helps overachieving women entrepreneurs conquer limiting beliefs and create marketing plans that grow their businesses. This includes one-on-one marketing plan development, digital product creation, web design and content marketing. Dequiana is the author of Know Your Business: How to Attract Ideal Clients & Sell More and runs the award-winning blog,

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One comment

  1. Thanks for sharing this awesome stuff because If you are good with your employees, they will be good for you. And remember without your employees, you are nothing. But most of the time people forget this.

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